Join both you hands as if you are praying to God Then check weather your right thumb is over left or vice versa Left thumb is above the right thumb -right brain Right thumb is above the left thumb- left brain
All right here's what I want you to do - while sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction and there's nothing you can do about it!
Left Brain, Here You Are! Left brain individuals process information in a linear manner. They take pieces to the puzzle, line them up, and arrange them in logical order. From this drawing their conclusion to the puzzle. Left brain persons are list makers. They enjoy making a master schedule and doing daily planning.
Left Brain, Here You Are! People of left brain are usually good spellers because spelling involves sequence. Left brains also work in the linear and sequential processing of math and following directions. They have no trouble processing symbols, memorizing vocabulary words and math formulas.
Left Brain Characteristics Rational Respond to verbal instructions Controlled, systematic experiments Problem solves logically and sequentially looking at the parts of things Makes objective judgments Looks at differences Is planned and structured Prefers established, certain information.
Left Brain Characteristics Analytic reader Primary reliance on language in thinking and remembering Prefers talking and writing Prefers multiple choice test Controls feelings Prefers hierarchical authority structures Talks, and talks, and talks Sees cause and effect
Right Brain, Here You Are! While left brain people think in logical order, right brain process from a whole to a part, holistically. Right brain have difficulty in following a lecture unless they are given the big picture first. It is important for a right brained person to read a chapter prior to lecture to better understand what is being discussed.
Right Brain, Here You Are! Because of the random nature of a right brain, they should make list and schedules to help them stay on track. Right brain people are color sensitive. Try using colors to establish sequences.
Right Brain, Here You Are! Right brain people are concrete. They want to see, feel, or touch the real object. Create opportunities for hands on activities to use your right brain.
Right Brain, Here You Are! Right brained people may know what they mean but often have trouble finding the right words. When giving directions, they use their hands and give names of places along the way verses hard north, south, east, west.
Right Brain Characteristics Intuitive Responds to demonstrated instructions Open-ended, random experiments Problem solves with hunches, looking for patterns Makes subjective judgments Looks at similarities Is fluid and spontaneous Prefers elusive, uncertain information
LEFT BRAIN JOBS Lab scientist Banker Judge Lawyer Mathematician Bacteriologist Librarian Skating judge, skiing judge, etc., RIGHT BRAIN JOBS Forest ranger Wildlife manager Beautician Politician Athlete Artist Craftsman Actor/Actress