Electronic Standby Instruments System
OASIS: Introduction The OASIS is designed to serve as the secondary source of cockpit instrumentation and provides the following functions: Attitude Indicated Airspeed Barometric Corrected Altitude Slip/Skid Heading (Optional, requires a magnetometer)
(Aerosonic Sensor Unit) (Magnetic Sensing Unit) Optional OASIS: LRU’s/Modular Design The OASIS modular designed allows installation flexibility by separating the display from the ASU enhancing installation flexibility in congested cockpits ASU (Aerosonic Sensor Unit) MSU (Magnetic Sensing Unit) Optional DU-1 (Display Unit) DU-2 (Display Unit) Optional
OASIS: Standard System and Options Standard system includes: ASU, 1ea. DU, 1ea. Enhanced system options: Second DU DU with NVS ASU with internal standby battery MSU for heading reference
OASIS: System Block Diagram
OASIS: Display Features Battery Status Slip-Turn Indicator Airspeed Tape Altimeter Tape Magnified Altitude Window Magnified Airspeed Window Heading Window (optional) Barometric Setting Menu Select Keys
Red Cross-Hatched Line OASIS: Part 27/29 Airspeed Window Min Airspeed Max Airspeed Color VCAUTION Green VNE Power ON Yellow Max Airspeed Value Red VNE Power OFF Red Cross-Hatched Line
OASIS: Display Unit The DU is installed on the instrument panel adjacent to the primary display or instruments and provides a secondary graphical display of all of critical, primary functions necessary for the continued safe flight and landing of an aircraft during a loss of primary instruments. The DU provides user interface for data entry and settings through a bezel keypad. The DU is directly connected to, and obtains power and sensor data from the remote mounted ASU. Features: 4 inch diagonal screen 3 inch ATI opening Chassis depth: 1.35 inches Bezel: 4 inches x 3 inches Weight: .75 lbs NVS compatible (Option)
OASIS: Display Unit
OASIS: Aerosonic Sensor Unit The ASU is a separate remote mounted LRU that provides power and sensor data to the DU. It’s connected to aircraft power and the pitot/static pneumatic lines. The ASU contains sensors required for the computation of Indicated Airspeed, Barometric Corrected Altitude, Attitude, Slip/Skid. Heading is available with the installation of an Aerosonic Remote Magnetometer. Power to the remote magnetometer is provided by the ASU. In addition the ASU has an optional internal battery that allows the OASIS to operate for a minimum of 1 hour without aircraft power. Features: Dimensions: 3 x 3 x 6.25 inches Weight: 2 lbs Power: 28 Vdc nominal, 14 watts max (2 displays, 1 ASU) Internal standby battery (Option)
OASIS: Aerosonic Sensor Unit
OASIS: Specification/Certification Operating Specification Altitude: -1,500 to +55,000 ft. Airspeed: 20 to 450 kts Max roll/pitch rate: 200 deg/sec Operating temperature DU: -20º to +55º C ASU: -40º to +70º C Baro setting: 28.00 to 30.99 mb Reliability: 10,000 hrs MTBF Certification Software: DO178B level B Environmental: DO 160F (Helicopter and Fixed Wing) FAA /EASA TSO TSO-C2d: Airspeed Instruments TSO-C4c: Bank and Pitch Instruments TSO-C6e: Direction Instrument, Magnetic TSO-C10b: Altimeter, Pressure Actuated, Sensitive Type TSO-C113: Airborne Multipurpose Electronic Displays TSO-C3e: Turn and Slip Instruments TSO-C46a Maximum Allowable Airspeed Indicators TSO-C179 Rechargeable Lithium Cells and Lithium Batteries