Temperature sensing with low cost high frequency probes trial results Dr Scott Mills Dr Dane Thomas Dr Peter Hayman
Compatible with rechargeable 3.7 V Lithium Ion batteries 1 Watt Solar panel Voltage regulator and charger control ATmega328P 8bit 32 kB Flash 1 kB EEPROM 2 kB RAM 20 MHz CR2032 Lithium Ion coin battery backup for RTC Temperature corrected Real Time Clock 4 GB micro SD Storage Price In case $68.90
DS18B20 Range -55 to +125˚C Accuracy ±0.5 ˚C from -10 to 125˚C Resolution 0.065˚C at 12-bit 1-Wire® Target 0.1˚C resolution with ±0.1 ˚C accuracy 1-Wire parasitic power mode dozens of sensors can be driven and accessed on a single wire
Kent Town temperature sensor trial
Gold Standard Experimental Sensor 4 Industry Standard 89 BOM Sensor LowCost TinyTag Stevenson Screen Beehive Screen No Screen
Temperature Sensor
54.9% 19.3% placed in the BOM Stevenson Screen n = 59,165
Gold Standard High Precision Experimental Sensor Exhibits Thermal Lag Industry Standard 9 BOM Sensor LowCost TinyTag Stevenson Screen Beehive Screen No Screen
Gold Standard High Precision Higher Daytime Lower Nighttime Thermal Lag Higher Daytime Lower Nighttime +Thermal Lag Experimental Sensor BOM Sensor LowCost TinyTag Stevenson Screen Beehive Screen No Screen
Gold Standard High Precision Higher Daytime Lower Nighttime Thermal Lag Higher Daytime Lower Nighttime +Thermal Lag Challenging Results BOM Sensor LowCost TinyTag Stevenson Screen Beehive Screen No Screen