IAOPA Europe Regional Meeting Reykjavik - 7. Maj 2014 GA SUB SSCC
Background GA concerns presented by IAOPA & EAS at EASA Management Board March 2012 Followed up by a working group consisting of GA, memberstates and EASA which resulted in the ”European GA Safety Strategy” document, adopted by the MB as ”Roadmap for Regulation of GA”
GA Safety Strategy Principles One size does not fit all. GA should be handled quite separately from CAT and merits a different, proportionate approach based on an acceptable risk hierarchy. Adopt a philosophy of minimum necessary rules focusing on the main risks. Adopt a risk-based approach to targeted safety initiatives and rulemaking, based on risk assessment, and supported by empirical evidence in the form of good quality accident rate and causal data from which statistically significant trends are identified. Protect “grandfather rights”, unless there are demonstrable and statistically significant safety reasons for not doing so. Minimize bureaucracy and apply EU “Smart Regulation Principles”, taking into account the specificities of GA. Make best use of available resources of expertise and devolve responsibilities and delegate tasks to the level where they can be exercised most efficiently, including to GA organisations.
GA SUB SSCC group Established summer 2013 Central part of EASAs new “Simpler, lighter and better rules for general aviation” strategy presented at AERO 2014 IAOPA represented by Michael Erb (AOPA Germany) and Jacob Pedersen (AOPA Denmark) Interim chairman Julian Scarfe (Europe Air Sports, PPL/IR) Permanent chairman to be elected June 2014
GA SUB SSCC Issue List “For the purposes of the GA sub- SSCC, General Aviation is civil aviation excluding airline operations.” Focus: Only light end or a broad perspective Issues divided into ”Proposals” (quick fix) and ”Projects” (long term)
Airworthiness Projects: Process for changes and repairs Acceptance of third country data for aircraft modifications or repairs Removal of EASA approval requirement for minor modifications Standard changes and repairs OSD, MELS and Defect Management Current rules not suitable for GA Bring back good airmanship practice Proportionate Initial Airworthiness Procedures
Airworthiness Proposals: A definitive list of major modifications and repairs Guidance for the use of foreign repair stations which do not have an EASA approval Guidance for owner produced parts Take inspiration from the US Validation of foreign STCs
Flight Standards Projects Oversight in Flight Training/Testing Too heavy organisational requirements driving costs with no added safety (ATOs instead of RF etc.) Lack of harmonisation Facilitation of international airsports and tourism Easy access to validation of third country license for pilot tourists Easing of language requirements when flying between Member States Training and checking checking process Focus on what is needed in practice Increase use of competency based approach Availablity of instructors Simulator requirements for high performance aircraft
Flight Standards: Proposals Dangerous Goods Need for adjustments to Rules and Need for AMC/Guidance Definition of ”passenger” Oxygen requirements Best practice regarding icing
Horisontal Projects Issues from Basic Regulation The definition of ”commercial operation” The definition of ”complex motor- powered aircraft” The application of BR to third country aircraft and license holders
EU Reg 379/2014 Defines ”Introductory flights”, ”Competition flights”, ”Flying display” Exempts following operations from commercial requirements: cost-shared flights by private individuals, on the condition that the direct cost is shared by all the occupants of the aircraft, pilot included and the number of persons sharing the direct costs is limited to six; competition flights or flying displays, on the condition that the remuneration or any valuable consideration given for such flights is limited to recovery of direct costs and a proportionate contribution to annual costs, as well as prizes of no more than a value specified by the competent authority;
introductory flights, parachute dropping, sailplane towing or aerobatic flights performed either by a training organisation having its principal place of business in a Member State and approved in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, or by an organisation created with the aim of promoting aerial sport or leisure aviation, on the condition that the aircraft is operated by the organisation on the basis of ownership or dry lease, that the flight does not generate profits distributed outside of the organisation, and that whenever non-members of the organisation are involved, such flights represent only a marginal activity of the organisation.’; Applicable from July 1’st 2014
Note: The operations are exempt from commercial requirements – they are not defined as non-commercial EU Reg 245/2014 allows the use of a PPL/LAPL license for these operations
Thank you for your attention