The Atom Smallest unit of an ____________ Three particles –Protons (___ charge) –Neutrons (__ charge) –Electrons (__ charge) _________ contains protons and neutrons
Elements Pure substance consisting of only one type of ___________ Listed in the _______________ Atoms of each element differ by the # of ___________
Isotopes Atoms of an element with different number of __________ Atomic # is the _____; mass # is _________ Most have same chemical properties
Radioactive Isotopes Uses of radioactive isotopes –Dating of rocks and fossils –Treating cancer –Killing bacteria on food –Trace movements of substances within the body
Chemical Compounds Substance of two or more ________ in definite proportions __________ chemical properties than the original elements Compound composition given in chemical formula –Examples: ______________
Chemical Reactions Breaking and forming ________________ _______- original elements or compounds _______- ending elements or compounds
Monomer vs Polymer ___________- basic repeating building block _________- two monomers connected together _________- many monomers connected together
Dehydration Synthesis Building larger molecules from smaller ones (requires energy) Monomer → Polymer
Hydrolysis Break down large molecules into smaller ones (releases energy) Polymer → Monomer
Carbon Compounds Condensation/Synthesis Hydrolysis Monomer Polymer
What is So Special About Carbon? Carbon can bond with ______ other atoms Creates a great variety of different compounds Can for complex molecules including __________________________
Carbohydrates Made of C, H, and O in a _________ ratio Monomers –Monosaccharide –Examples: _______________________ Dimers –Disaccharides –Examples: _______________________ Polymers –Polysaccharides –Examples: _________________________
Carbohydrates (cont)
CHITIN Cellulose
Uses for Carbohydrates Provide ________ for body functions Used to build nucleic acids Other ____________ functions
Tests for Carbohydrates Benedict’s Test for ________ sugars Iodine Test for __________ Sugars
Lipids Made of C, H, and O (phospholipids have P) Triglyceride –1 Glycerol, 3 Fatty Acid Chains –Examples: _______________________ Phospholipid –1 Glycerol, 2 Fatty Acid Chains –Example: __________________________ Steroid –4 Carbon ring structure –Example: ____________________________
Lipids (cont)
Cholesterol Progesterone Testosterone
Uses for Lipids ___________ source Padding and insulation Structural _______________
Tests for Lipids Sudan IV Test Newspaper Test
Nucleic Acid Made of C, H, O, N and P Monomer- ___________ DNA –Sugar- Deoxyribose –Nitrogen Bases- _________ RNA –Sugar- Ribose –Nitrogen Bases- __________ Phosphate Sugar Nitrogen Base
DNA NUCLEOTIDE = Phosphate = Deoxyribose = Adenine = Guanine = Thymine = Cytosine Purines Pyrimidines
Nucleic Acid (cont)
RNA NUCLEOTIDE = Phosphate = Ribose = Adenine = Guanine = Uracil = Cytosine Purines Pyrimidines
RNA STRUCTURE Single-stranded
Uses for Nucleic Acids Genetic code
ATP Structure Ribose Phosphates High Energy Bonds Adenine Adenosine
Rechargeable Battery
Protein Made of C, H, O, S, and N Monomer –___________(20 found in body) Polymer –______________ –Amino Acids are held together by peptide bond
Amino Acid Structure C H3N+H3N+ R H COOH
Amino Acid Structure
Polypeptide H3N+H3N+ R COOH H C H3N+H3N+ R H C H3N+H3N+ R H C H3N+H3N+ R H C
Uses for Proteins Structural ______________ Transport _______________
Test for Protein Biuret Test
Energy of Reactions Reaction Types –Energy _____________ Rxn is spontaneous (does not mean fast) Activation energy- energy needed to get the rxn started At end of the rxn, energy released into environment –Energy _____________ Rxn is not spontaneous _____________ energy- energy needed to get the rxn started At end of the rxn, energy absorbed from environment
Reaction Diagrams
Enzymes __________ for rxn (speeds it up) ___________ (reactant) enters active site of enzyme to form enzyme-substrate complex; after rxn product leaves Enzyme is unchanged
Action of Enzymes Speeds up rxn by _________________________________
Enzyme Reaction Rates Rates can be affected by –________________ –____________ –____________________
Dissociation of Water
pH Scale Scale measuring amount of ______(really H 3 O + ) Ranges from _______ Below 7- _______ –Higher H + Above 7- _______ –Higher OH - 7- ________ –Equal numbers of both