Learning To Fly Choose a location to fly from - try a local airport. Sometimes an aerial view is best. Click on ‘tools’ in the upper left hand corner and go to ‘flight simulator’. Choose your plane and make sure joystick is NOT checked. Read the next slide before starting.
How To Fly To take off, first press the Page Up key to increase thrust and move the aircraft down the runway. Once your plane is moving, move the mouse back slightly down. With enough speed, you take off. To change direction or bank the aircraft, make small motions with the mouse or joystick. Be careful not to over-correct. Once the wings are level, center the mouse. To look around, press the arrow keys + Alt (slow) or CTRL (fast).
Landing Landing is a bit trickier and takes some practice. To land the aircraft: Approach the appropriate airstrip or flat area. Press Page Down to reduce thrust and slow down the aircraft. Press G to extend the landing gear. Press F to increase the flap setting. This slows the aircraft. Once you have touched down, use wheel brakes to slow the aircraft. Press, (comma) to apply the left wheel brake; press. (period/full stop) to apply the right wheel brake.
Leaving Earth Try clicking the button that is circled. You will be taken to outer space, the Moon, or Mars for a close up view.
Revisiting Earth Now that we have learned the basics, let’s try some things on our own. Type in your own address in the search bar. Can you see your house? Type in the name of your town, county, or state and find one landmark that you have never visited. What did you find?
Keep Going Find the Leaning Tower of Pisa. What country is it in? Locate Mount Rushmore. What state in the United States holds this monument? Visit the Sydney Opera House. What café is closest to the Opera House?
Congratulations You now have the world at your fingertips! Where will you go next?
Some Final Tips Sometimes Google Earth freezes. Close the program and open it back up to unfreeze. Flying is difficult, if you need further help press Ctrl + H to access the help menu. Pressing either ‘n’ or ‘u’ will revert you to your original view. If navigation bars do not appear go to ‘View’, then ‘Show navigation’ and click ‘Always’.