Impact Evaluation 4 Peace March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 1 It’s all about the money: The economics of IPV Jennifer McCleary-Sills Gender-Based Violence Specialist, WBG Latin America and the Caribbean’s Citizen Security Team
Source: WHO, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, South African Medical Research Council, /3 of all women have experienced partner violence
Source: WHO, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, South African Medical Research Council, 2013 South Asia: 43% East Asia & Pacific: 30% Europe & Central Asia: 29% Middle East & North Africa: 40% Sub- Saharan Africa: 40% Latin America & the Caribbean: 33% North America: 21% Australia and NZ: 28% IPV crosses geographic, cultural, and economic lines
IPV risk urban/rural residence assets & income education family history
IPV is costly
injuries HIV, STIs lower productivity depression alcohol & drug use unintended pregnancy
Lost earnings earnings 53% earnings 53%
Responding to IPV is costly
IPV risk and $ Bangladesh: workingIPV
IPV risk and $ Bangladesh: workingIPV Ecuador cash transferIPV
IPV risk and $ Bangladesh: workingIPV Ecuador cash transferIPV Cote d’Ivoire microfinance + dialogueIPV
IPV risk and $ Overall working cash transfer microfinance IPV
$ IPV?