Jamie Cox – Head of department Henry Gatland – KS3 co-ordinator Good morning! Jamie Cox – Head of department Henry Gatland – KS3 co-ordinator
Macmillan Academy’s experience of embedding Digimaps across Key Stages 3-5
Content New KS3 programmes of study. Y6 into Y7 induction. Supporting students – learning the basics. Digimaps within KS3. Digimaps at KS4 and KS5. Digimaps in action.
New programmes of study for geography 2014 The National Curriculum sets out the ‘core knowledge and understanding’, but we provide the context, relevance and sequence of learning ‘...to enrich their locational knowledge and spatial and environmental understanding.’ Renewed emphasis on locational and place knowledge, human and physical processes. Across all key stages students should be using maps, atlases and globes and using fieldwork to investigate human and physical features. Emphasis on OS maps at KS2 & 3, including using grid references and scale, topographical and other thematic mapping, and aerial and satellite photographs. Use G.I.S to view, analyse and interpret places and data.
Year 6 into 7 ‘Healthy spaces and unhealthy places’. Summer holiday assignment.
Helpsheets. Camtasia. Student experts. Supporting students Helpsheets. Camtasia. Student experts.
Using Digimaps in KS3
Year 7 My local area (includes their summer assignment work). Ullswater activity week.
Year 8 The Geography of Crime. River Tees walk (field work).
Year 9 New Apple store for Middlesbrough (decision making exercise).
Using Digimaps in KS4 & 5
- Outdoor Learning department (DoE route planning) Field work planning & preparation i.e. risk assessment, pre-field work prep. Controlled assessment tasks. Cross curricular uses: - Outdoor Learning department (DoE route planning) - History dept (1890’s map of Middlesbrough compared to today).
Land use mapping: GCSE coursework
Year 11 land use mapping with photos and text added
Digimaps in action
Thank you for listening. j.cox@macademy.org.uk h.gatland@macademy.org.uk