Board of Directors Strategic Planning Presentation for The Academy Charter School January 26, 2009 The intent of the Board Retreat is to establish long range plans for Collegiate Academy and Collegiate Junior High. The format of the retreat will include both a training component and an interactive component. The training component will deal with the process of long range or strategic planning. The interactive component will involve interaction, discussion, and development of long range plans for the school(s). The issues that some of the board members requested would be in the agenda are woven into the presentation and the planning process. 1
Formulation of Long-Range Plan 2
Why Develop a Plan? It will help your organization focus on the right stuff and you will decide what that is. It is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it.
Why Plan Strategically? Often, the process is more important than the plan It can strengthen & sustain organizational achievement It can facilitate communication, participation, and buy-in It can accommodate divergent interests and values It can foster orderly decision making & successful implementation
The Strategic Planning Approach (Bryson 1988) We will initiate & agree on a process Clarifying mission & values Assess the external environment: opportunities & threats Assess the internal environment: strengths & weaknesses Identify strategic issues facing the school Formulate long term objectives and strategies Establish a workable plan
The Difference between Strategic and Operational Objectives Strategic Objectives (20% of the work – what you will focus on today to build future capacity, growth, efficiency etc.-Mostly Board activity) Operational Directives (80% of the work – what you must do day to day to fulfill your mission-mostly Administration’s activity)
Institutionalization of Strategy Strategic Management Process Flow Model Vision Statement Mission Statement External Environment School Profile Long-term Objectives Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Annual Objectives Operating Strategies Institutionalization of Strategy Control and Policies Evaluation 3
Strategy Formulation Overview Mission Statement School Environment Community District Local, State, and Federal Political Environment School Profile - SWOT Analysis Long-Term Objectives The simplified model characterizes strategy formulation as consisting of the activities listed above. Once a vision and mission are established for the organization and an analysis is performed regarding the organization’s external environment and profile, long-term objectives can be set. Long-term objectives are statements of the results an organization seeks to achieve over a specified period, typically five years. Long-term objectives are usually establish along the following areas: Profitability, Productivity, Competitive Position, Employee Development, Employee Relations, Technological Leadership, and Public Responsibility. Qualities of long-term objectives: Acceptable Flexible Measurable Motivating Suitable Understandable Achievable 4
Mission Statement The Academy’s mission is to assist families in developing exemplary citizens by equipping students with core foundational knowledge enabling them to be culturally literate, prepared for college, and virtuous in character. We accomplish this through a rigorous curriculum of traditional content taught in a safe environment.
Approach Statement Our Approach The following summary describes many of the salient elements that define The Academy’s unique approach to its mission: Elementary Intensive instruction in phonics, reading, writing and math. Core Knowledge Curriculum Open Court Reading McGraw Hill Reading Riggs Phonics Step-Up and Six-Trait Writing Accelerated Reading Program Saxon Math Program Includes: Music Art Computers Band Field Trips Student Council Physical Education 6th Grade Outdoor Education Uniforms for Students Mad Science Program The mission of an organization is the unique purpose that sets it apart from other organizations of its type and identifies the scope of its operations. In short, the mission describes the organization’s product or service, market, and areas of emphasis that reflects the values and priorities of the strategic decision makers.3 The objectives of the organization’s mission statement are: 1. To ensure unanimity of purpose 2. To provide a basis for motivating the use of the organization’s resources. 3. To develop a basis, or standard, for allocating organizational resources. 4. To establish a general tone or organizational climate 5. To specify organizational purposes and the translation of these purposes into goals. 6. To facilitate the translation of objectives and goals into a work structure involving the assignment of tasks to responsible elements within the organization. 4 3Pearce, John A. II and Robinson, Richard B. Jr. Formulation, Implementation, and Control of Competitive Strategy. Burr Ridge, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc. 1994. 4 Ibid. 6
Approach Statement Junior High Core Knowledge Curriculum Six-Trait Writing Saxon Math Computer Education Foreign Languages (Spanish & French) Art, Music, Band, and Physical Education Student Council Dress Code High School College Preparatory Courses Fine Arts Curriculum - Art, Band, Choir, Orchestra, Drama, and Photography AP Courses National Honor Society Student Council and Clubs Physical Education Post Secondary Classes with Front Range Community College
Approach Statement Character Education Program K-12 training/development of ethical and moral values. Emphasis placed on instruction in the core values of: Respect Self-control Responsibility Kindness Courage Integrity
The Academy’s External Environment Community District Local, State, and Federal Political Environment The numerous external factors that can influence an organization’s choice of direction and action can be characterized under three major categories: the remote environment, the industry environment, and the operating environment. For purposes of simplification, we will consider the factors listed above in analyzing Collegiate Academy’s external environment. Other factors may be added as we discuss these areas. All of the factors above can have an impact on the direction we take and the actions we choose. For example, the favor that has been developed with the District allows us to pursue certain actions that may not be available to us if we were at odds with the District. The political environment on all levels have made school choice a more viable alternative than it has been in the recent past. While we will not focus on these areas in the retreat, as board members, we should stay abreast of the developments within the external environment in order to help us make better choices regarding the direction and actions we choose. We must remember, we are not operating in a vacuum. Social, political, economic, competition, and other factors can influence our success as an organization and we must be diligent in knowing how to adapt to these external factors. 7
The Academy’s Profile SWOT Analysis Strategic Internal Factors Strengths Weaknesses Key External Factors Opportunities Threats/Challenges See JA Sample To maximize the favorable opportunities in the environment, a firm must base its strategy on a thorough consideration of its internal strengths and weaknesses. SWOT is an acronym for the internal Strengths, Weaknesses, of a organization and the environmental Opportunities, and Threats facing that organization. A strength is a resource, skill, or other advantage relative to competitor. It is a distinctive competence when it gives the firm a comparative advantage in the marketplace. A weakness is a limitation or deficiency in resource, skills, and capabilities that seriously impedes an organization’s effective performance. Facilities, financial resources, and size can be sources of weakness. An opportunity is a major favorable situation in a firm’s environment. Key trends are one source of opportunities. Favorable political environment can provide opportunities for an organization. A threat is a major unfavorable situation in a firm’s environment 11
Sample Long-Term Objectives Refinement of Educational Program Staff Growth and Development Board Strengthening and Development Communications throughout the school community Creation and Development of innovative learning opportunities 18
Sample Long-Term Objectives Financial Viability to Support Program Improve Communications throughout the school community Implement comprehensive Special Needs Program Institutionalize Student Character Development 19
Strategy Implementation 20
Strategy Implementation Annual Objectives- See JA/Excel Sample Functional Strategies- See JA/Excel Sample Policies Organizational Structure Leadership and Culture 21