Academic Content Standards- Based Electronic Portfolios for K-12 Schools Presented by Dr. Thomas R. McCambridge, Dr. Beverly Bryde, and Ms. Allyson Gold California Educational Research Association (CERA) 81 st Annual Conference, Santa Barbara CA November 14-15, 2002
Overview Part I Formative and Summative Assessment Measures in Developing an Academic Content Standards-Based Electronic Portfolio for K-12 Schools Part II Overview of the Web-based Electronic Portfolio System and Its Use in Assessing K- 12 Student Progress and Growth Part III A Demonstration of an Academic Content Standards-Based Electronic Portfolio
Introduction Our presentation is about using an electronic portfolio for Organizing instruction that is based on the California academic content standards Assessing student work meant to demonstrate mastery of the California academic content standards
The Standards The California academic content standards are organized to be Sequential Developmental Age-appropriate
The Electronic Portfolio Using the electronic portfolio can help teachers make both instruction and assessment Sequential Developmental Age-appropriate
Portfolio, con’t The California academic content standards have created an articulated scope and sequence Use of an electronic portfolio can make that articulated scope and sequence clear and understandable to Instructors students
Teaching to the Standards Standards are Sequential Developmental Detailed Standards-based instruction should be Meaningful Purposeful Engaging
Teaching to the Standards Using an electronic portfolio can help Teachers organize instruction and assessment in ways that are based on the articulated scope and sequence of the standards Students see and understand the instructional plan required by the articulated scope and sequence of the standards
Portfolio Assessment Use of a portfolio to assess student work has several advantages: Teacher and student can spot continuing problems Teacher and student can spot progress over time
Portfolio Assessment Teachers can develop a holistic evaluation of student work Teachers and administrators can develop a holistic evaluation of instructional success
Organizing Instruction An electronic portfolio encourages an instructor to Create assignments that are appropriate to standards-based instruction Create assignments that fit with the articulated scope and sequence of the standards
Organizing Instruction Make those assignments visible and accessible to students, parents, and administrators Note in the assignments which standards are being addressed
Assessing Learning An electronic portfolio allows Evaluation of student work over time Holistic evaluation of student work Evaluation of instructional success By the teacher By those responsible for the academic program Principal Department chair
Conclusion to Part One An electronic portfolio can encourage Organization of standards-based instruction Holistic assessment of student work aimed at mastery of the standards Evaluation of instruction aimed at mastery of the standards
Part II Overview of the Web-based Electronic Portfolio System Use of the Web- based Electronic Portfolio in Assesseing K-12 Student Progress and Growth
The Webfolio System Designed by Dr. Doug Love from Illinois State University A place to house students artifacts electronically Access of the system through the internet Electronic and confidential feedback
The Players Teachers: design courses and designate standards/competencies Students: identify standards and input artifacts Assessors: use of formative and summative measures Administrators: can serve as reviewers or assessors
Assessment Features Course evaluation Program evaluation Self-assessment Performance Assessment Standards Assessment
Webfolio in Higher Education Coursework Preservice teacher self-assessment through the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CLUES Benchmarks) Teacher Preparation Program Assessment
Assessing K-12 Student Progress and Growth CLU has two systems: Higher Education and K-12 Webfolios Piloting this program with our preservice teachers Faculty/preservice teachers determine the Standards and Assignments K-12 students reflect and select which artifacts to place in the webfolio
Webfolio Points of Interest Advantages Progress and growth overtime, holistic approach Authentic assessment of academic content standards Opportunity for integrated curriculum Data for accreditation reviews Concerns Maintaining and purchasing of a server Access to the internet Student work needs to be electronic
Part III Demonstration of an Academic Content Standards-Based Electronic Portfolio
HOW TO USE A STANDARDS-BASED ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO: 1. Review content standards. 2. Review identified curriculum. 3. Develop assignments that use curriculum to build competency with the standards. 4. List, explain assignments on e-port. 5. Teach students to post on e-port.
E-PORT INFO HELPS TEACHERS, STUDENTS & ADMINISTRATORS What is included: 1. Details of the assignment. 2. Competencies to be demonstrated. (identified by state standard number & by description) 3. Assessment information (rubrics, etc.) 4. Help resources, i.e. examples, etc.
BENEFITS OF USING E-PORT : AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT: allows you to look back at previous work. CLEAR CONNECTION TO STANDARDS: obvious links in each assignment CAPTURES STUDENT WORK “PERMANANENTLY”: ripe for showcasing, discussion
Questions? Dr. Thomas R. McCambridge Dr. Beverly R. Bryde Ms. Allyson Gold Thank You!