TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Using Data to Drive Improvement Dave Leavitt Fran Cowart
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Why are data important? Replace hunches with facts Enable us to address root causes instead of symptoms Enable us to determine the effects of implemented practices Assist us in understanding how school and classroom practices relate to student achievement
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Data cannot help when… Data are not valid or reliable The appropriate questions are not asked Analysis is not used for making wise decisions There is no commitment by teachers and administrators to change school and classroom practices when data indicates the need for change
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Does your faculty look like this? Do you fall into this trap?
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Key Practices High Expectations Program of Study Academic studies Career/technical studies Work-based learning Teachers working together Students actively engaged Guidance Extra help/Transitions Culture of continuous improvement
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Students Reported: Their teachers often clearly indicated the amount and quality of work that are necessary to earn a grade of A or B at the beginning of a project or unit: They often were able to get extra help from their teachers when they needed it without much difficulty. They completed a project that first required some research and a written plan before completing the task in their career/technical classes at least once a semester 2012 TCTW Composite HSTW Assessment 57% 46% 79%
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Teachers reported it is very important: Preparing all students with the academic and technical knowledge and skills needed to enter college and be successful without needing remedial courses. Helping all students master the academic content and skills needed to enter and advance in their chosen career field. Helping students acquire the technical knowledge and skills needed to get a good job. Ensuring all students earn a high school diploma TCTW Teacher Survey 71% 78% 67% 60%
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Data Walk Time to get up and move around. Move from poster to poster and record on the poster your thoughts on what you see Respond to the prompt or record your own. What decisions can you make from this data?
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board A Complete Picture HSTW Assessment; TCTW Teacher Survey Program Evaluation Program Enrollment Program Retention and Completion Course Failures Industry Certification Exams Remediation Reports
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Data Overload? School report card….student grades….ACT....dropout rate….teacher survey….quarterly failure rates….graduation rates…student participation in extra-curricular activities…SAT…AP….. IB..…percent of students entering postsecondary….college remediation..…industry certifications/licensures….safe school survey….alternative program….tardies….discipline…free and reduced lunch….curriculum mapping…professional development….extra help opportunities….disaggregated data….families on public assistance….PSAT….PLAN….IEP achievement….disability profile…student survey….gifted and talented…..program evaluation reports….mobility parent/community survey….harassment complaints..average daily attendance….course enrollment…level of technology..teacher turnover rate..books read
TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Fran Cowart Dave Leavitt