Educational Research and policy: The Case of teacher education in Brazil Educational Research and policy: The Case of teacher education in Brazil Marta Luz Sisson de Castro PUCRS- Brazil Educational Change in the Global Context Prague, August 30th,3rd September 2010, Charles University
Expansion of the Brazilian educational system in the 1990’s created the need for more qualified teachers in order to attend the increased number of students Expansion of the Brazilian educational system in the 1990’s created the need for more qualified teachers in order to attend the increased number of students New education law of 1996 established new regulations for the preparation of teachers and created the Normal Superior Course, saying that the education programs at the New education law of 1996 established new regulations for the preparation of teachers and created the Normal Superior Course, saying that the education programs at the
the universities were not doing a good enough job. the universities were not doing a good enough job. A policy the FUNDEF was established by the Federal government requiring a Higher Education diploma for all Elementary School Teachers, the data period from as a critical phase for this to be accomplished A policy the FUNDEF was established by the Federal government requiring a Higher Education diploma for all Elementary School Teachers, the data period from as a critical phase for this to be accomplished
In 2006, another curriculum was proposed by the Federal government for the School of Education, forcing all teacher education programs to change their curriculum in face of the new legislation. In 2006, another curriculum was proposed by the Federal government for the School of Education, forcing all teacher education programs to change their curriculum in face of the new legislation. The new program is very general and requires a lot of practice in the schools, and as the majority of the students work during the day and The new program is very general and requires a lot of practice in the schools, and as the majority of the students work during the day and
and study at night some of the regulations are very difficult to be implemented. and study at night some of the regulations are very difficult to be implemented. The Brazilian government continues to implement policy regarding teacher education overlooking research results and the complexity of the education system with its multiple interfaces. The Brazilian government continues to implement policy regarding teacher education overlooking research results and the complexity of the education system with its multiple interfaces.
In this paper we will present data regarding three studies regarding the negative or no effects of the policies regarding teacher education established at the Federal Government in Brazil. In this paper we will present data regarding three studies regarding the negative or no effects of the policies regarding teacher education established at the Federal Government in Brazil.
-Characteristics and conditions of work, selection for the job, professional development, career plan, and salaries of municipal teachers in the South Region of Brazil. -Characteristics and conditions of work, selection for the job, professional development, career plan, and salaries of municipal teachers in the South Region of Brazil. The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu in Paraná, distance education in teacher education, new challenges and questions. The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu in Paraná, distance education in teacher education, new challenges and questions.
A third example is from the study we are implementing right now, regarding the conditions of work of municipal teachers in the South Region of Brazil. A third example is from the study we are implementing right now, regarding the conditions of work of municipal teachers in the South Region of Brazil.
Teachers’ Salaries According to the education census of 2007 there is a shortage of teachers in the areas of Math, Physics, and Chemistry, and the main reason for that shortage is salaries.These professionals usually opt to work in other areas such as banks where the salaries are better. According to the education census of 2007 there is a shortage of teachers in the areas of Math, Physics, and Chemistry, and the main reason for that shortage is salaries.These professionals usually opt to work in other areas such as banks where the salaries are better.
A study done in South Brazil in the period of , looked at the management of municipal education in 15 municipalities and found that despite the implementation of Fundef during the years of the situation of the teachers did not improve as much as expected. A study done in South Brazil in the period of , looked at the management of municipal education in 15 municipalities and found that despite the implementation of Fundef during the years of the situation of the teachers did not improve as much as expected.
Brazil political and administrative division
Five factors related to the conditions of work of teachers of South Region were identified in the study 1.Teacher Education 1.Teacher Education 2. Professional Development 2. Professional Development 3. Career Plan for Teachers 3. Career Plan for Teachers 4. Selection for the job through competitive public examination 4. Selection for the job through competitive public examination 5. Salary 5. Salary
Teacher Education All teachers seem to be graduated and a high number have graduate degrees, but it does not confirm the quality of this education. The instruction of most of the teachers was obtained in weekend courses from near colleges or through distance courses. All teachers seem to be graduated and a high number have graduate degrees, but it does not confirm the quality of this education. The instruction of most of the teachers was obtained in weekend courses from near colleges or through distance courses.
Professional development Professional development As observed in the data, the most common professional development strategies are the seminars and courses offered to all municipal teachers or the graduate courses offered through partnerships with local or regional colleges. As observed in the data, the most common professional development strategies are the seminars and courses offered to all municipal teachers or the graduate courses offered through partnerships with local or regional colleges.
Career Plan for teachers Career Plan for teachers Most of the municipalities have or are trying to implement a career plan for teachers. For a series of legal reasons, these plans did not improve teachers’ working conditions Most of the municipalities have or are trying to implement a career plan for teachers. For a series of legal reasons, these plans did not improve teachers’ working conditions The career plans tended to be very conservative and do not offer significant change in salary from the initial to the final phase of professional life The career plans tended to be very conservative and do not offer significant change in salary from the initial to the final phase of professional life
Competitive examination Competitive examination Selection for the job through a public examination Selection for the job through a public examination Teacher’s competitive examinations are a standard procedure in the South Region. Most of the municipalities selected their teachers through this method. Teacher’s competitive examinations are a standard procedure in the South Region. Most of the municipalities selected their teachers through this method.
In a former study (CASTRO; SOUZA, 1999), in some municipalities studied, the teachers were contracted; having a renewal each year they did not know what could happen the next year. With the examination and career plan, the working conditions of the teachers from the South Region were better than ten years ago, but it seemed that it did not bring the expected improvement In a former study (CASTRO; SOUZA, 1999), in some municipalities studied, the teachers were contracted; having a renewal each year they did not know what could happen the next year. With the examination and career plan, the working conditions of the teachers from the South Region were better than ten years ago, but it seemed that it did not bring the expected improvement
Salary Salary The study identified differences between the states. In Rio Grande do Sul, the municipal teacher received better salary than the state teacher. In Paraná, the situation was just the opposite, with better conditions for the state teachers. In Santa Catarina the data was not so clear The study identified differences between the states. In Rio Grande do Sul, the municipal teacher received better salary than the state teacher. In Paraná, the situation was just the opposite, with better conditions for the state teachers. In Santa Catarina the data was not so clear
Final Considerations The data shown indicate that most of the municipal teachers in the South Region have a degree in Education and a significant number have a graduate degree. Most of the municipalities offer professional development for the teachers, generally through seminars in the own region. On the other side, teacher’s individual participation in courses and congresses is rare
The municipalities have already implemented career plans; only a few cities did not. The municipalities have already implemented career plans; only a few cities did not. Although there are improvements in the teachers’ formal education, salaries are still low among municipal teachers in the South region. The data indicate this formal education improvement still did not influence salaries, working conditions and much less the quality in teaching. Although there are improvements in the teachers’ formal education, salaries are still low among municipal teachers in the South region. The data indicate this formal education improvement still did not influence salaries, working conditions and much less the quality in teaching.
The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu, Paraná Distance Teacher Education Distance Teacher Education In the first phase of the study, this municipality, presented several distance course as a strategy for teacher education and professional development. In the first phase of the study, this municipality, presented several distance course as a strategy for teacher education and professional development. The superintendent of schools contracted a nearby institution to offer a program of Normal Superior. The superintendent of schools contracted a nearby institution to offer a program of Normal Superior.
The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu, Paraná The municipality was really small with less than inhabitants. The teachers paid for their own course, and they wanted to qualify because of the demands of the FUNDEF that required that all Brazilian teachers had a higher education diploma up to The municipality was really small with less than inhabitants. The teachers paid for their own course, and they wanted to qualify because of the demands of the FUNDEF that required that all Brazilian teachers had a higher education diploma up to 2007.
The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu, Paraná The course met once a week in a local school. A tutor, was present to lead the discussion. The course met once a week in a local school. A tutor, was present to lead the discussion. The class was recorded in a CD and presented in a screen The class was recorded in a CD and presented in a screen The content was discussed under the supervision of the tutor The content was discussed under the supervision of the tutor Tasks related to the readings were due each class meeting Tasks related to the readings were due each class meeting
The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu, Paraná The majority of the teachers in the municipality attended the course. The majority of the teachers in the municipality attended the course. Following this “Normal Superior Course” the municipality offered other graduate programs in the areas of special education, psychopedagogy, and so on. These graduate programs were offered as weekend or night courses. Following this “Normal Superior Course” the municipality offered other graduate programs in the areas of special education, psychopedagogy, and so on. These graduate programs were offered as weekend or night courses.
The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu, Paraná A significant number of teachers who concluded the normal superior program later attended one of these graduate courses. A significant number of teachers who concluded the normal superior program later attended one of these graduate courses. When we visited the municipality in August, 2008, the diploma was not recognized because the institution that offered the course did not have the credentials to offer a distance program. When we visited the municipality in August, 2008, the diploma was not recognized because the institution that offered the course did not have the credentials to offer a distance program.
The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu, Paraná So all the graduate courses the teachers took could only be recognized after the higher education diploma was accepted and registered. So all the graduate courses the teachers took could only be recognized after the higher education diploma was accepted and registered. The municipality gave the teachers the advances in the career plan, but if they apply for jobs elsewhere their course is not valid. The municipality gave the teachers the advances in the career plan, but if they apply for jobs elsewhere their course is not valid.
The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu, Paraná Despite all the problems and limitations of this distance course, it seemed to have affected in a positive way the teachers and the students. The teachers felt that the Normal Superior Course was an unique opportunity for them after years without education, to study again, and they felt motivated. They could not be able to do it by them selves Despite all the problems and limitations of this distance course, it seemed to have affected in a positive way the teachers and the students. The teachers felt that the Normal Superior Course was an unique opportunity for them after years without education, to study again, and they felt motivated. They could not be able to do it by them selves
The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu, Paraná The students presented a very good result in the IDEB of 2007 ( is a Brazilian indicator of quality that combines the results of SAEB- System of evaluation of Basic Education and the number of promotion and dropout in every school) The students presented a very good result in the IDEB of 2007 ( is a Brazilian indicator of quality that combines the results of SAEB- System of evaluation of Basic Education and the number of promotion and dropout in every school) This result was a surprise for us This result was a surprise for us
The case of Nova Prata do Iguaçu, Paraná So, even a very limited teacher education program can have very positive effects depending on the contexts and the needs of the teachers. So, even a very limited teacher education program can have very positive effects depending on the contexts and the needs of the teachers.
Conditions of work of municipal teachers in South Brazil In one of the first municipalities we studied in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the “concurso”. A selection of teachers through public examinations was applied in the municipality. And they had a surprise, not a single residing in the municipality was approved in the examination, so they had all new teachers from nearby locations. In one of the first municipalities we studied in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the “concurso”. A selection of teachers through public examinations was applied in the municipality. And they had a surprise, not a single residing in the municipality was approved in the examination, so they had all new teachers from nearby locations.
This result created a new and inexpected problem for the local education administration, they have to pay now extra for the transport of these teachers. And as they live far away they are not available for meetings and extra-classe activities. This result created a new and inexpected problem for the local education administration, they have to pay now extra for the transport of these teachers. And as they live far away they are not available for meetings and extra-classe activities. The integration between the school and the community is a new problem for the school system. The integration between the school and the community is a new problem for the school system.
So the results of the Concurso, showed the complexities of the Educational system, the idea of selecting teachers through public examination was considered very good. We will be able to select the best teachers, the ones with best knowledge, and then we had this new and unpredicted situation. So the results of the Concurso, showed the complexities of the Educational system, the idea of selecting teachers through public examination was considered very good. We will be able to select the best teachers, the ones with best knowledge, and then we had this new and unpredicted situation.
Common Challenges for Teacher Education Programs Worldwide How to attract and retain better candidates How to attract and retain better candidates Improving the conditions of working for teachers worldwide, especially in developing countries Improving the conditions of working for teachers worldwide, especially in developing countries Prepare the future teacher to create a more integrated “internationalized world” Prepare the future teacher to create a more integrated “internationalized world”
Common Challenges for Teacher Education Programs Worldwide How to react, use the process of evaluation “testing” in a more positive way How to react, use the process of evaluation “testing” in a more positive way How to integrate the results of research with better policy making. How to integrate the results of research with better policy making. Global responsibility for education Global responsibility for education