22 Inquiry Focus and Number /Year Program Level Decision CONTEXT FOR TEACHING Class, School, District, and Community Conversation Guides INITIAL ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING PRACTICE Teacher Preparation Information CA Standards for the Teaching Profession and Induction Standards-Based Informal Classroom Observation Assessment Toolbox / Reflective Conversation INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection Selection of Focus for Induction Standards Program Level Decision Use of Summary of Teaching Practice In Year 1 Program Level Decision SUMMARY OF TEACHING PRACTICE Reflection on Teaching, Student and Personal Growth Future Considerations for Study FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR CALIFORNIA TEACHERS (FACT) Return to Context for Teaching and Initial Assessment IIPIIP
MODULE C Inquiry 3
What: An inquiry is a structured series of teaching activities in which a teacher explores a specific aspect of teaching practice. 4
5 Inquiry EXPLORE: Scope and sequence o fthe Inquiry into Teaching and Learning Module Skills necessary to effectively guide participating teachers Inquiry documents that guide participating teachers’ research into their practice 55
6 Inquiry Outcomes An Inquiry provides the participating teacher with an opportunity to: – Understand the purpose, sequence and significance of inquiry, as the basis for professional learning – Recognize the importance of making the inquiry process contextually appropriate – Use the Continuum of Teaching Practice and Self- Assessments of Induction Program Standards for further exploration
7 You Are Here A.Context for Teaching B.Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice C.Inquiry D.Summary of Teaching Practice You are here!
8 The Six Steps of Inquiry Step One: Determining the Focus of the Inquiry Step Two: Developing the Action Plan Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Four: Observation and Analysis of Student Work Step Five: Summative Assessment Step Six: Reflection and Application
9 9 Inquiry Concepts The information gathered in Context for Teaching (Module A), combined with the Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice (Module B), informs the design of the Inquiry Focus Question. The Individual Induction Plan (IIP, C-1) is the foundation for the Inquiry, and is updated regularly throughout the Inquiry process. The Inquiry is individualized and relevant to each participating teacher’s classroom.
Step One: Determine the Focus of the Inquiry
11 Determine Focus of Inquiry Read and highlight the key points in “Step One: Determine the Focus of the Inquiry” directions. Talk to your partner about the purpose of an Inquiry. Partners share out key points, questions, or concerns, to the group.
12 PTRA Cycle 12
Why Inquiry Matters “Simply stated, teacher inquiry is defined as systematic, intentional study of one’s own professional practice.” Cochran-Smith and Lytle (1993) How has inquiry supported your own practice? What is the relationship between teacher inquiry and professional growth?
IIP (C-1) Plan Phase Cells 1 – 4: “Plan” phase – Determine a Focus question – Identify CSTP elements to be addressed – Anticipate outcomes for student learning 15
Inquiry Questions Personally engaging for participating teachers Grounded in specific teaching context Standards-based Open-ended Focused on improvement of teaching practice
16 Sample Inquiry Questions How do I … - modify instructional strategies to increase the English Language proficiency of my EL students? -vary my instructional strategies to meet individual needs so that my students can successfully write a one-paragraph essay? -know if my differentiation of instruction is effective?
Inquiry Question Practice Use a (+) to indicate a strong inquiry question Use a (-)to indicate a weak inquiry question Partners compare results
Developing a Focus Question Cell-2 With a partner, review sample focus questions → What are the characteristics of a well written focus question? Possible Answers: – Question is narrow enough to measure results – Question is broad enough to last at least 2 months – Question is directly related to the Focus Area in Cell 1 21
Constructing an Inquiry Question Refer to Standard 2 in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession booklet Partners construct a compelling inquiry question focused on classroom management (IIP, cells 1 and 2) Note: Focus questions need to be deep enough to sustain a 6-8 week investigation. Questions with a “yes” or “no” answer will not work. 19
Developing a Focus Question Cell-2 The CSTP questions may be used to help write a strong focus question for Inquiry. Refer to the questions located on pages in the CSTP booklet. 22
Standard Alignment Identify and record the CSTP elements that could align with the focus question (IIP, Cell 3)
Measurable Outcomes Expressed in a quantifiable manner Linked directly to the inquiry focus Sample outcome: “95% of my students will maintain a ‘B’ average on written tests, speaking assessments, and essays”
Standing Conversation Some things I need to be aware of, to effectively guide the participating teacher, include…