Education for Sustainable Development in Evergreen School Division


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Presentation transcript:

Education for Sustainable Development in Evergreen School Division Learning Today to Improve Tomorrow Education for Sustainable Development in Evergreen School Division Post SEdA Meeting April 27, 2010

Sustainable Development A Priority in Evergreen for 3 years Sustainability - a priority in Evergreen's Strategic Plan in 2007-2009. Initiatives undertaken included: Division “Green” initiatives School-based ESD initiatives Our Division Planning process identified need for a more comprehensive division plan for Education for Sustainable Development Division Teams attended Sustainability and Education Academy in November, 2008 and October, 2009 New Division Foundations approved in 2008-2009(with linkages to Sustainable Development) Sustainable Development has been identified as priority as part of our 2009-2010 and 2010-2013 Strategic Plan

Evergreen Foundations Vision “Learning Today to Improve Tomorrow” Mission Evergreen School Division will engage students in learning to become contributing citizens of a democratic society. Core Values Students Come First Learning is Our Core Purpose Public Education Serves the Common Good

Why are “Foundations” important to us? To communicate: the purpose of our work the values and beliefs that underpin our work To inform our practice To provide a reference point that helps us to evaluate our practices To guide our decision-making

Priorities and Action Areas 2009-2010 Priority Action Area Sustainable Development Governance Education for Sustainable Development Human Resources Facilities, Infrastructure and Operations Student Engagement Relevance Arts Career and Technology Programming Student Assessment Safe and Caring Schools Citizenship Positive Relationships Student Behaviour Diversity

Action Area – Domain 1 Governance A systemic approach to implementing Sustainable Development is implemented. Priority in Division Strategic Plan Board Policy Development Committees Budget Community Partnerships Evaluation and Monitoring

Action Area – Domain 2 Education for Sustainable Development Students will acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes and life practices that contribute to a sustainable future. Cross-curricular focus of ESD in all subjects MECY scope and sequence is implemented Problem-based learning focused on ESD Pedagogy focused on systems thinking, inquiry, active learning, futures thinking, problem solving from a local and global perspective Connections to Student Engagement, Citizenship, Relevance

Action Area – Domain 3 Human Resources Human resources policies, practices and development plans are aligned with sustainable development principles. Professional development is provided for professional and support staff Education for Sustainable Development practices are profiled and recognized Succession Planning (e.g. Leadership Development) Staff Wellness plan is developed and programs are implemented at each work site

Action Area – Domain 4 Facilities and Operations Sustainability principles are applied to the design, construction and renewal of division buildings and all aspects of facility management, procurement, resource use and transportation. Facilities and operations assessment Facility renewal plan developed based on LEED or equivalent standard Operations plan developed that includes actions in procurement, energy efficiency, water conservation and waste reduction. Schools structures and outdoor spaces are “facilities that teach” sustainability practices Develop a sustainable transportation plan

Contributing citizen? Vision for Education for Sustainable Development Students will become informed and responsible decision-makers, playing active roles as citizens of our communities, Canada and the world, and will contribute to social, environmental, and economic well-being, and an equitable quality of life for all, now and in the future.

What Kind of Citizen? Personally Responsible Citizen Participatory Citizen Social-Justice Oriented Citizen Description Acts responsibly in their community Works and pays taxes Picks up litter, recycles, and gives blood Helps those in need, lends a hand during times of crisis Obeys laws Active member of community organizations Organizes community efforts to care for those in need, promote economic development, or to clean up environment Knows how government agencies work Knows strategies for accomplishing collective tasks Critically assesses social, political, and economic structures Explores strategies for change that address root causes of problems Knows about social movements and how to effect systemic change Seeks out and addresses areas of injustice Sample Action Contributes food to a food drive Helps to organize a food drive Explores why people are hungry and acts to solve root causes Core Assumptions To solve social problems and improve society, citizens must have good character; they must be honest, responsible, and law-abiding members of the community. To solve social problems and improve society, citizens must actively participate and take leadership positions within established systems and community structures. To solve social problems and improve society, citizens must question and change established systems and structures when they reproduce patterns of injustice over time.

“In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Eric Hoffer

What we have accomplished this year in Evergreen in ESD Post SEdA Division Workshop with Chuck Hopkins, Brian Kelly and Anne MacDiarmid Board Policy – Sustainable Development Sustainable Development identified as one of our 3 Priority Areas in 2010-2013 Strategic Plan Facilities and Operations Audit Division Committees Formed and Active Education for Sustainable Development Facilities and Operations Staff Wellness

Policy – Sustainable Development To implement strategies to ensure that operations, activities, programs and facilities are sustainable without compromising the ability of present and future generations to fulfill their own goals. To implement a systemic approach to sustainable development. To equip students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and life practices that will contribute to a sustainable future. To align human resources policies, practices and development plans with sustainable development principles. To apply sustainability principles to the design, construction and renewal of division buildings and all aspects of facility management, procurement, resource use and transportation.

ESD Committee Membership The ESD Committee for Evergreen School Division consists of 10 members. Each school is represented on the committee. Divisional Aboriginal Education Coordinator sits on the committee to help include an aboriginal perspective.

ESD Committee Goals Provide support for schools to implement divisional strategic plan strategies. Promote ESD at each school. Collect school activities to become recognized as ECO-GLOBE Schools. Disseminate ESD information to staff. Plan a Youth forum for Grade 4,6, & 8 students. High school students will be invited as leaders, presenters, and food preparation.

Promote ESD at each School The committee invited Anne MacDiarmid to attend their first meeting in November 2009. Based on this meeting committee members returned to their schools to highlight the provincial ESD website with teachers. Shared Manitoba Education Scope and Sequence with staff members to show the connections with their curriculum being already taught and promote a ESD focus in the classroom. Committee provided the Manitoba Education and posters to all teachers and provided information on how to use in their classrooms.

ECO-GLOBE Schools To celebrate our success, the committee decided to work towards being recognized as Eco-Globe Schools. Committee members at each school keep a record of school initiatives and classroom activities that focus on ESD Committee met on April 21 and together applied to be recognized as ECO-Globe schools.

Wonders of Water Youth Forum The committee decided to plan a youth forum to help promote ESD Grades 4,6,8 students will participate and some high school students will act as group leaders and assist with activities. Being situation on Lake Winnipeg the forum will focus on the importance of water on various aspects of ESD.

How are we preparing them? “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see” Neil Postman How are we preparing them?
