Accountability Policy Update (Districts) Changes to Bulletin 111 From Sept 2003 – June 2004 Louisiana Department of Education
District Accountability Results Districts will be provided three sets of accountability results District Performance Score (DPS) – calculated like a school performance score District Responsibility Index (DRI) – made up of 4 district-level indicators District Subgroup Component – used to determine if the district’s subgroups made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Bulletin 111, Section 4301
District Performance Score Labels (Bulletin 111, Section 4311) Performance LabelDPS Academically Unacceptable Below 45.0 Academic Warning One Star Two Stars Three Stars Four Stars Five Stars140 and above
Changes to DRI Indicator #4 Calculation changed to Percent of State Core Classes Taught by Certified Teachers Definition of a low Performing School - a school whose SPS is below 80.0 Definition of Certified teachers – includes standard certificates and 12-hour rule Bulletin 111, Section 4309
District Responsibility Index Labels Changed DRI LabelDRI Value Highly Responsive120 and above Adequately Responsive Responsive Minimally Responsive Unresponsive Bulletin 111, Section 4311
District Subgroup Component AYP Districts are evaluated for Subgroup Component AYP in the same manner as schools (Steps 1-10) Bulletin 111, Section 4310
District Consequences Districts that receive a DRI label of Unresponsive and/or fail to achieve Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the Subgroup Component Year 1 - Self-assessment submitted to LDE Year 2 – District Improvement Plan Year 3 – Audit by LDE Year 4 – BESE action on Audit Bulletin 111, Section 4313
LAA 1% Proficient Cap The Percent of LAA students that are classified proficient in a district cannot exceed 1% of the students in the assessed grades Bulletin 111, Section 703
Reconfiguration/Reconstitutions Districts should consult with the LDE to determine the effects of major reconstitutions/reconfigurations Bulletin 111, Section 3303
Routing Option I Data Scores, attendance and dropout data for students in Option I routing schools will be sent back to the student’s home-based district Bulletin 111, Section 3503
District Accountability Data Corrections Districts should appeal incorrect data or results during the School appeal window, with the exception of summer school data Districts will be given an extra opportunity to appeal summer school results for 30 days after these scores are available Bulletin 111, Section 4317