KANAWHA COUNTY 40 Elementary School 13 Elementary Schools 8 High School Alternative Middle/High School Elementary Alternative Program Total Enrollment 28,548 Total Students with Disabilities 3,878
Our Team Joe Godish- Deputy Superintendent Benda Isaac- Lead School Nurse Eddy Ivy- Lead Attendance Director/Social Worker Dr. William Mullett-Lead Counselor/Test Coordinator-Spin Doctor James (Bob) Calhoun-Executive Assistant- Universal PK, Headstart, Community Ed, Elementary
Starting Points (before the project) Graduation Rate Students with Disabilities % The County Student Support Team took the lead to address the graduation rate for all students. Data was collected for all schools on attendance, suspensions, course failures, overage
Research We took the information provided in the dropout meeting back to the county and looked at county data to determine primary areas leading to dropout and graduation rates.
Dropout Factors Attendance and Truancy Prevention Behavior Course Performance- Academic Content and Instruction Student Engagement Parent Engagement School Climate Behavior resulting in suspensions Retention Low academic performance as evidenced by WESTEST results
Interventions New State and County Behavior Policy Secondary Alternative School opened Elementary Alternative Program New County Retention Policy Countywide concentration through PLCs addressing academics Continued staff development on instructional strategies Staff Development activities for support staff
INTERVENTIONS Expanded Career Plus Programs for 9 th and 10 th graders at both vocational schools. Online Credit Recovery Classes Continued with Graduation Coaches at all high schools Prosecuting Attorneys involvement with parents for truancy issues Mental Health Program contracts for alternative programs and Prestera Dr. Ball spoke on behavior and strategies
INTERVENTIONS (CONT) In order to address the climate of the school and determine needs based on administrators, teachers and students; KCS is participating is a three year project with Gallop. The survey addressed Engagement of staff and students. Results were given to school teams to develop action plans. These will be monitored and follow survey will be implemented.
Key Data Retention Rate % Discipline Referrals for Students with disabilities increased from thru Graduation Rate (Sp Ed) % Dropout Rate (Sp Ed)
Initial Plan. Analyze the degree to which students move through high schools (completed credits and failed credits) Research Credit Recovery Program Research RTI and effects on students behavior, achievement, and attendance Monitor schools that are using the ABE program to work on student behavior.
Plan Revisions Monitor attendance rate of 9 th grade students Use PERC to assistance parents with concerns Implement vocational assessment program for Students with Disabilities Increase graduation rate
Final Plan Monthly reports on attendance for all 9 th graders provided to Sp. Ed. Director plus data accessed by all principals. PERC expanded to address increase community/parent/school concerns Training has been provided on vocational assessments and online portfolio program Continue to monitor graduation rate
Plan Evaluation and Adjustments Phase I: Initial Plan Maintained a high rate of attendance Graduation Rate unchanged Dropout Rate unchanged Phase II: Revised Plan Rate of attendance maintained Dropout Rate inline with general ed. rate- General education rate 2.7 and SP Ed. was 2.15 Phase III: Final Plan
continued Phase III Training has been provided for assessments and portfolio program. PERC has conducted training at all levels to increase parent awareness of programs and policies. Graduation and attendance rate are monitored on monthly basis. Principals/counselors conduct student/parent interviews before a student drops. Work with court system on absences.
County Developed Resources/Tools Each nine week data was provided to all schools with information on course failures, overage students, suspension, attendance and dropouts.
WVDE: Cohort Document and Data Discussed in monthly meeting with principals. Requests have been made to Sate Dept. to keep data updated. Our principals review their data on a regular basis and recalculate graduation rates frequently.
WVDE: Early Warning System Tool Transitioning to the Early Warning System. Our county data provides the same info and will continue to provide data until system is incorporated.
Use of Funds $ was used to help fund Gallop Project Funds will be used but will be used to implement the career assessment for sp needs students beginning at 8 th grade. Funds will be used to bring an outside speaker in to speak with counselors and support staff on drop-out prevention strategies. Travel to conferences on dropout prevention.
Data Trends-Graduation SWD SWD SWD SWD 49.2
Data Trends-Dropout SWD SWD SWD SWD SWD 2.15
9 th Grade Attendance Non Special Ed 93.47% Identified with IEP 92.11% (March 18, 2013) Non Special Ed Identified with IEP 90.66%
Four Year Total Dropouts School20123 Year Total % Reduction Capital GWHS HHHS NHS RHS SHS SCHS Total 361
Projected Graduation/Dropout Results Current data through March 6, 2013: Nine 9 th grade students from ALL STUDENTS missed over 10 days during month of Feb. 26 Sp. Ed. students suspended over 10 days this school year; 3 elem., 7 middle, 16 high 19 Sp. Ed. Students have dropped out of school; 1-8 th, 4-9 th, 3-10 th, 6-11 th, 5-12 th. Overall increase in 12 th graders dropping out this year
Moving Forward and Next Steps Student Support Team will continue to meet monthly to discuss the current data. Target high school principals will be invited to the monthly meetings. Data will continue to be provided to each school on 9weeks/semester data Sp. Ed. vocational assessments will be increased
Key Components of Plan Development Begin identification and interventions at elementary level. Waiting until middle school /high school level is too late Share data. It takes a team approach to address Do not give up. If one approach does not work, try another.
Key Components for Maintenance In Kanawha County the Student Support Team is the key to the continuing efforts. Needs to be in place: Acknowledgement that there is a problem and by working together we can make a difference. Everyone from the Superintendent to principals, teachers, parents and students. Keep going: Current data and discussions.
Lessons Learned Challenges: The number of students considered “at-risk” and determining how to address Differently: Should have seen trend earlier and began addressing.
Contact Information Sandy Boggs Dr. Bill Mullett Eddie Ivy Joe Godish Jerry Legg
Thank you !