Indianapolis, this is your moment! Susan N. Dreyfus President and CEO Alliance for Strong Families and Communities
2 How are the children? 2
3 What is a healthy Indianapolis? 3
4 A 21st Century Theory of Change
If we want to enjoy prosperity, we must foster the health and well-being of all people... 5
How are the children? adaptive leaders, we must articulate a clear and compelling vision, and create a culture for innovation and partnership... 6
...we must move from program thinking to systems change thinking as the only way to achieve the ultimate outcomes we strive for, which are to: reduce the number of people living in poverty, increase the number of people living safe and healthy lives, and put more people on to pathways to educational and employment success… 7
...this will require us to move from a linear and transactional mindset to a dynamic and transformational view, grounded in science across fields, systems, and sectors... 8
...and share accountability for the alignment of agreed-upon values and measurable goals, for collective impact that none of us can achieve alone! 9
One More Time! 10
If we want to enjoy prosperity, we must foster the health and well-being of all people... 11
How are the children? adaptive leaders, we must articulate a clear and compelling vision, and create a culture for innovation and partnership... 12
...we must move from program thinking to systems change thinking as the only way to achieve the ultimate outcomes we strive for, which are to: reduce the number of people living in poverty, increase the number of people living safe and healthy lives, and put more people on to pathways to educational and employment success… 13
14 Poverty is a Thief 14
15 While reducing poverty costs money, sustaining it is very expensive. Reports estimate it costs the nation about half a trillion dollars each year to allow persistent childhood poverty to continue. 15
USA Today Graphic 1980: Poverty Rates of Kids and Elderly in Counties where Poverty Rate is > 20% 1980 childhood poverty in Indianapolis: 14.9% 16
2010: Poverty Rates of Kids and Elderly in Counties where Poverty Rate is > 20% 2013 childhood poverty in Indianapolis: 31% 17
18 5 percent of the population cost 50 percent of U.S. health care spending. 18
19 Incarceration in Indiana… Cost is 2012 average prison population in Indiana: 38, average annual cost per inmate in Indiana: $14,823 19
20 When compared to the typical high school graduate, a dropout will end up costing taxpayers an average of $292,000 over a lifetime due to the price tag associated with incarceration and other factors such as how much less they pay in taxes. 20
...this will require us to move from a linear and transactional mindset to a dynamic and transformational view grounded in science across fields, systems, and sectors... 21
...and share accountability for the alignment of agreed-upon values and measurable goals, for collective impact that none of us can achieve alone! 22
5/27/11 23
The Sciences are Converging Child and Family Well-being Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Adult Capabilities and Executive Function Science 24
Five Domains of Child Well-Being Social connectedness Stability Safety Mastery Meaningful access to relevant resources 25
Adverse Childhood Experiences Physical & emotional neglect Sexual abuse Emotional abuse Physical abuse Substance abuse Mental illness in household Separation Violence between adults Incarcerated household member 26
The Study of ACEs Children's Trust Fund. (2010). Adverse Childhood Experiences in Wisconsin: Findings from the 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Survey. Children's Hospital and Health System, Retrieved from 27
High School Sophomores and Seniors 28 Washington School Classroom (30 students) Adverse Childhood Experiences 6 students with no ACE 58% (17) students with no 5 students with 1 ACE exposure to physical abuse or 6 students with 2 ACEs adult to adult violence 3 students with 3 ACEs 29% (9) of students exposed to 7 students with 4 or 5 ACEs physical abuse or adult to adult 3 students w/ 6 or more ACEs violence 13% (4) of students exposed to physical abuse and adult to adult violence
Costs of ACEs People with an ACE score of 4+ had higher likelihood of “serious job problems” Washington state projected savings of $55. 9 million for the biennium in caseload savings connected to high capacity communities showing lower ACE prevalence. There is an indisputable connection between deep end societal costs and lost human potential with ACE prevalence and it disproportionately impacts children of color in poverty! “The human and economic costs of the long-term effects of adverse childhood experiences in the adult workforce are major and merit attention by the business community.” Alliance for Children & Families. (2012). Adverse Childhood Experiences Data Links Trauma and Outcome. Alliance for Children & Families Magazine, (1),
Building adult capabilities through executive function science 30
31 Indianapolis, This is Your Moment! Follow the science Vision, lead, and partner across sectors Take a whole person, family and strengths based view
32 Indianapolis, This is Your Moment! Don’t make the fatal attribution error Share governance and accountability for results Pull ALL four levers Be proud, hopeful, yet chronically dissatisfied Never, ever give up! 32
Susan N. Dreyfus Alliance for Strong Families and Communities 33