STROKE STATS Third leading cause of death deaths a year strokes a year stroke survivors Leading cause of adult disability Source: Stroke Facts: 1999 NSA
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Long-term risk of a cardiovascular event following a TIA Clark et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74: CV death, MI or stroke CHD death or MI Any stroke
Prevalence of IVUS-detected atherosclerotic coronary artery disease 21% 66% 75% 85% 91% >50 Prevalence (%) 262 healthy donor heart transplants Tuzcu EM. Circulation 2001;103:2705 Age (years)
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Clinical presentation of atherosclerosis: Just the tip of the iceberg Clinical atherosclerosis CAD CVAPAD Subclinical Hyperinsulinemia Dyslipidemia Inflammation Platelet activation Hypercoagulable Endothelial dysfunction Oxidative stress