Cardiovascular System Pathology Medical Terminology Chapter 5
Atheroma ather/o = plaque -oma = tumor Plaque within the arterial wall
Atherosclerosis athero = fatty plaque sclerosis = abnormal hardening Hardening & narrowing of arteries due to a buildup of cholesterol plaque
Angina pectoris Severe episodes of spasmodic choking chest pain
Ischemia Deficiency of blood supply due to constriction or obstruction of blood vessels
Infarct Localized area of necrosis caused by an interruption of blood supply
Myocardial infarction (MI) Heart attack Closing off of a coronary artery resulting in an infarct of the affected myocardium
Coronary artery disease (CAD) Atherosclerosis of coronary arteries that may cause angina, myocardial infarction & sudden death End-stage CAD: final phase with severe angina & severely limited lifestyle
Congestive heart failure (CHF) Heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs; leads to fluid accumulation in legs, lungs
Forms of Carditis Endocarditis: inflammation of the inner layer of the heart Bacterial endocarditis: inflammation of the lining or valves of heart caused by bacteria Myocarditis: inflammation of the myocardium Pericarditis: inflammation of the pericardium
Valvulitis valvul/o = valve -itis = inflammation
Mitral valve prolapse Protrusion of the mitral valve thus incomplete closure of the valve
Mitral stenosis Abnormal narrowing of the mitral valve also tricuspid
Arrhythmia or dysrhythmia Irregular rhythm of the heart
Bradycardia brady = slow card = heart -ia = abnormal condition Abnormally slow heartbeat
Flutter Atrial contractions are rapid but regular
Tachycardia tachy = fast card = heart -ia = abnormal condition Abnormally fast heart rate
Paroxysmal tachycardia Sudden onset of fast heartbeat
Fibrillation Rapid, random, & ineffective heart contractions Atrial fibrillation (A-fib): atria faster than ventricles Ventricular fibrillation (V-fib): fatal unless reversed by electric defibrillation
Angi/o = vessel Angiitis or vasculitis Angionecrosis Angiospasm Angiostenosis
Hemangioma hemangi/o = blood vessel -oma = tumor benign tumor of blood vessels
Hypoperfusion Deficiency of blood passing through an organ or body part
Aneurysm Localized balloon like enlargement of the wall of an artery
Arter/o, arteri/o = artery Arteritis Polyarteritis Arteriosclerosis
Raynaud’s phenomenon Intermittent attacks of pallor, cyanosis, & redness of fingers & toes secondary to arterial contraction & caused by cold or emotion
Phlebitis phleb/o = vein -itis = inflammation Inflammation of a vein
Varicose veins Abnormally swollen veins usually occurring in the legs
Thrombus & Embolus Thrombus: blood clot attached to wall of a vein or artery Embolus: foreign object, such as blood clot or tissue, that is circulating in blood stream
Thrombotic occlusion Blocking of an artery by a clot
Coronary thrombosis Damage to the heart caused by a thrombus blocking a coronary artery
Embolism Blockage of a vessel by an embolus
Hemochromatosis (iron overload disease) Hem/o = blood Chromat/o = color -osis = abnormal condition Genetic disorder in which intestines absorb too much iron
Septicemia (blood poisoning) Presence of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins in the blood
Cholesterol Lipids that travel in the blood stream as lipoproteins Low density lipoprotein (LDL): bad cholesterol; excess contribute to plaque buildup HDL: good cholesterol
-penia = deficiency of Leukopenia Thrombocytopenia
Erythrocytosis erythr/o = red cyt/o = cell -osis = abnormal condition Abnormal increase in number of RBCs
Leukemia leuk/o = white -emia = blood condition Malignancy with progressive increase of abnormal leukocytes
Anemia an- = without or less than -emia = blood condition Lower than normal numbers of RBCs
Aplastic anemia Absence of all formed blood elements due to failure of blood cell production in bone marrow
Hemolytic anemia hem/o = blood -lytic = to destroy Blood cells destroyed faster than bone marrow can replace them
Megaloblastic anemia Bone marrow produces large abnormal RBCs with a reduced ability to transport oxygen; usually from a vitamin deficiency
Pernicious anemia RBCs are abnormally formed due to an inability to absorb Vitamin B12
Sickle cell anemia Genetic disorder that causes abnormal hemoglobin & RBCs have a sickle shape
Hypertension=high blood pressure Essential or primary hypertension: unknown cause Secondary hypertension: caused by a different medical problem such as kidney disease Malignant hypertension: sudden onset of severely elevated blood pressure