High Nursing Education and Curriculum of Tbilisi State University Nursing Education in Tbilisi State University
Nursing Education Law about High Education Reform in Health Care System New achievement and technology in Medicine Needs and expectation BBBBologna Process N WHO European Strategy in Nursing Education
Nursing Education Tuning Project-Survey; WHO; EU Directives; International Council of Nurses Academics Students Graduates Employers Patients 30 60
Mission: International standards relevant Knowledge and Skills Nursing Education Mission: International standards relevant Knowledge and Skills Requirement for admission: National Exam Academic Degree: BSc in Nursing Second Cycle: Master Program
Nursing Education Nursing Theory-Practice and clinical skills; Public Health, health promotion, health education; Epidemiology; Behavioral sciences Biological Sciences; Research awareness; Communication; Professional, ethical and legal issues; Information management and information technology; Management, leadership and organization
Generic Competences Specific Competences professional values and the role of the nurse; nursing practice and clinical decision making; Knowledge and cognitive competences; Communication and interpersonal competences; Leadership, management and team competences
Professional values and the role of the nurse; Demonstrates awareness of the different roles, responsibilities and functions of a nurse; Demonstrates the ability to practice within the context of professional, ethical, regulatory and legal codes; Demonstrates the ability to adjust their role to respond effectively to population/patient needs.
Nursing practice and clinical decision making Demonstrates the ability to appropriately use a range of nurse skills, medical devices and interventions/activities to provide optimum care. Demonstrates the ability to recognise and interpret signs of normal and changing health/ ill health, distress, or disability in the person; Demonstrates the ability to undertake an effective risk assessment and take appropriate actions
Knowledge and cognitive competences Demonstrates current and relevant knowledge of the theories of nursing and nursing practice; theories concerning the nature and challenge of professional practice ; the natural and life sciences; social, health and behavioural sciences; ethical theory, law and humanities; technology and health care informatics; research process and current nursing research
Communication and interpersonal competences Demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively with patients, families and social groups, including those with communication difficulties; Demonstrates the ability to accurately report, record, document and refer care using appropriate technologies; Demonstrates the ability to identify and use opportunities for health promotion and health education activities.
Leadership, management and team competences Demonstrates the ability to realise that patient well-being is achieved through the combined resources and actions of all members of the health care team Demonstrates the ability to co-ordinate a team, delegating care appropriately and meaningfully. Demonstrates the ability to educate, facilitate, supervise and support nursing students.
I years II years 240ECTS 50ECTS 60ECTS 40ECTS 20ECTS 60ECTS 30ECTS Nursing Education Theory 10ECTS Theory 10ECTS Theory 10ECTS Theory 10ECTS Theory 10ECTS Practice 10ECTS 240ECTS 50ECTS 10ESTC I years II years III years IV years 60ECTS Theory 10ECTS Theory 10ECTS Theory 10ECTS Theory 10ECTS Practice 10ECTS Practice 10ECTS 40ECTS 20ECTS 60ECTS Theory10ECTS Theory10ECTS Theory10ECTS Practice10ECTS Practice10ECTS Practice10ECTS 30ECTS 30ECTS 60ECTS Theory10ECTS Theory10ECTS Practice10ECTS Practice10ECTS Practice 10ECTS Practice 10ECTS 20ECTS 40ECTS 60ECTS 16
Curriculum III Year Surgery / Care Emergency / Care Women Health / Care Pediatric / Care Neurology / Care Physical rehabilitation /Care Public Health Practice IV Year Geriatric / Care Oncology ?Palliative Care Radiology Management, Leadership, Decision making Medical law Pedagogy I Year Anatomy Physiology Histology Biochemistry Introduction in Nursing Health Determinants Psychology IT Foreign Lang. II Year Pathology I Pathology II Microbiology Pharmacology Sociology Epidemiology Research awareness Internal medicine /care Infectious Disease / Care
Teaching and Learning methods Lecture; Interactive seminars; Problem based learning; Case study; Role play Assessment methods Testing; Essay; Presentation Exam; Evaluation clinical skills
Employment Medical Institutions; Hospices; Ethical Committees; NGO
Quality Assurance Survey of Students; Survey of Academics; Self-evaluation; Program monitoring; Consultation with Stakeholder; Expert evaluation;
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