Lab to Land Initiatives in Rajasthan Presentation By Onkar Singh, IAS Collector, Bhilwara (Rajasthan)
The Vision of Lab to Land Initiative is to demonstrate sustainable & full achievement of objectives of all schemes of rural sector as Agriculture, Horticulture, Watershed, MG NREGA, Indra Awas, SGSY, Health, Education, Sanitation, Drinking water, Animal Husbandry, ICDS, Social Justice & Empowerment, Fisheries, Employment, Forest, Land Record, Electrification, Public Distribution System, Industries, PMGSY etc.'' Vision
Demography – District Bhilwara Geographical Area ( No of Blocks11 No. of Gram Panchayats383 No. of villages1872 Population SC ST House Holds BPL Families94415 Sex ratio962 Literacy%69.93
Lab to Land Initiatives in Selected 33 GP’s of all 11 blocks of district Bhilwara
ftyk & HkhyokM+k
Details of selected lab area Panchayat Samiti11 Gram Panchayat33 Total Household23892 BPL5518 SC4175 ST2240 OBC14234 Small Farmer4670 Marginal Farmer6009
Identification of Bharat Niman Volunteers (BNV) through Village Development Officers (VDO) Identification of infrastructural & livelihood gaps & needs Convergence of different departmental schemes. Redressal of public grievances at the doorstep of the people through RATRI CHOUPAL. Mobilization and involvement of community for benefiting under different govt. schemes. Effective implementation of all types of Govt. schemes at the village level. Preparation of holistic village development plan. Strategy to adopt lab to land
Progress so far 600 volunteers have been identified 296 volunteers onlined on Diksha Website. 40 masters trainers identified. Training programme finalised & would be conducted in the Month of July - August, Holistic village development plan preparation has also been started ensuring peoples participation. Permissible works under MGNREGA and other infrastructural gaps have been incorporated in annual action plan of the respective departments. To uplift livelihood & agriculture productivity, individual beneficiary programmes under MGNREGA have been taken up. 2867 category IV works of individual beneficiary under MGNREGA have been sanctioned. Public awareness generated by organising 58 Kala Jattha program in far flung areas of the lab. For mass awareness 57 Ratri Choupals have been organised under the chairmanship of District Collector in two phases in which all the District Level Officers & Public representatives were present.
View of few Ratri Choupals Galwa (Raipur)
Lasadia (Shahpura)
Gega Ka Kheda
Capacity Building through RUDSET 288 participants were trained in Mobile Repairing, Dress Designing, Computer Hardware, Computer Tally, Beauty Parlor, Tailoring, Photography, Videography, Aara-Tari, Gotakinari 70 participants are placed in job. Remaining are doing their own job.
IL&FS Training courses of sales & marketing, high speed sewing operator, computer operator, security guard, electrician conducted 323 women were trained. 197 women got placement. Remaining are doing their own job.
Security Skill Council of India (SSCI) 288 educated youths given security guard training 234 youth got their placement.
Dairy Development Fodder plant costing Rs. 20 crore sanctioned under RKVY in village Lambia Kala of lab area & Foundation was laid by H’ble CM. A special project under SGSY costing Rs crore sanctioned to Bhilwara Milk Producers Union, under which 3000 cattle induction, infrastructure development facilities & capacity building of the members would be provided. animal treated through different animal health camps. 18 Bulk Milk Coolers installed & operationalised..
Land Development 6 New projects sanctioned for watershed development. 77 Entry point activities are ongoing. Capacity building & mobilization programmes are under process. Karonda plants were planted as live fencing. fruit plants planted under Watershed scheme.
Development through convergence To construct additional class rooms & boundary walls in PS & UPS works costing Rs crore sanctioned for 250 schools under SSA. To strengthen the system of electricity in lab area 6 new GSS of 11/33 KV sanctioned costing Rs crore. 517 household of the lab area given domestic electric connections. 102 agriculture wells were energised out of which 22 belongs to BPL families. To provide safe drinking water in lab area 33 schemes costing Rs lakh were sanctioned. 19 villages are being connected by all whether roads under MGNREGA.
To increase the agricultural productivity in the lab area a subsidy of Rs21.73 lakh provided to the farmer for adoptions of new techniques. A financial assistance of Rs.9.19 lakh provided to farmers for Horticulture Development. Under artificial recharging of well scheme 483 farmers were benefited. Under TSC individual latrines constructed and are being utilised. 186 toilets have also been got constructed in schools & Anganwari centres 5 Community toilets for women have been constructed under Total Sanitation Campaign.
Under social security, 991 pension applications of eligible widows, old age persons & disabled got prepared through VDOs & sanctioned. 2748 children and women are vaccinated and 303 sterilized. One village (Lasadia) connected roadways Bus facility. 71 artisans and 80 weavers has been benefited through DIC schemes. 8317 Kisan Credit Card (KCC) issued to farmers through CCB. Rs lakh loan disbursed under KCC. 312 SHG formed and linkages with banks.
UNDP Innovation One Word- Organization operating information Kiosk center for MG NREGA workers, Radio education, registration and job demand through Biometric system. The organization established information Kiosk at Suwana and Kanda Gram Panchayat labour registered through Biometric system and 661 labour demanded job out of job card holder from Suwana, Kanda, Rupaheli & Haled labour approached to information Kiosk center for availing various information. 20 Radio Programme designed in which 17 are broadcasted.
Pratham- Organization targeted 5000 MGNREGA workers for educating basic, legal, health and financial literacy, 500 MG NREGA workers with computer literacy and 1000 workers with agriculture education. So far 675 youth in computer literacy, 5315 workers in adult education and 2104 workers in griculture education has been benefited.
SEWA- Organization adopted convergence modal of MG NREGA scheme, micro planning, Micro enterprises and formed 5 SHGs, 7 farmer advisory committee and provided benefit to 25 farmers through land reclamation interventions in Mohanpura G.P. of Manadalgadh Block. Additional work such as nursery establishment, land development, training etc. planned for the promotion of convergence with MGNREGA.