Assessing and Managing Learning Obdulia Corona EDU 607
USING TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS TO PRIORITIZE ACTIVITIES Standard of Theory in Nursing Will identify all responsibilities of an adult learner Will interpret the benefits of of prioritizing activities Will use technology to create a student template Will produce a 4-day schedule of all tasks
LEARNING TARGETS &RUBRIC Prioritizing requires to identify all the roles of the adult learner that deal with family, school, and work responsibilities. Interpret the benefits of time management skills gets all those tasks that have to be done, plus the ones that need to be finished. Technology develops computer skills in demand for nursing jobs. Creating a 4-day schedule demonstrates understanding time management, and prioritizing skills.
STUDENT TEMPLATE Goal: To complete the nursing program and pass the NCLEX exam with 80% proficiency. Role: Implement time management skills throughout the nursing program to become a confident student learner by studying hard and asking questions to clarify any misunderstandings. Audience: Self, family members, instructors, mentors, study partners, peers, and anyone else that serves the purpose of maintaining the student motivated and engaged throughout the nursing program.
STUDENT TEMPLATE Procedure: Come to class prepared, by (Sunday) the chapter should be read, and lesson plan reviewed. On( Monday) be ready to write your needs analysis of difficult content to be covered in the next lesson. Be familiar with the lecture outline. Be interactive in the 10 questions based on the lecture of the unit to be studied. Ask questions to clarify misunderstandings as needed.
STUDENT TEMPLATE On (Tuesday) be ready to share your progress of your schedule Use background information. Identify prioritized responsibilities. On (Wednesday) develop your schedule template. On (Thursday) do an oral presentation of the finished product.
SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Key 1 Prioritizing activities by color coding from highest priority to lowest is a clear and appropriate purpose for this chapter. Key 2 valued achievement targets gained are classifying, analyzing, evaluating, summarizing, comparing, & compartmentalizing. Key 3 Creating a template online can be used for subsequent chapters. Key 4 Communication skills are enhanced with oral presentations. Key 5 Creating a product builds self-esteem and student confidence.
Hill, S. S. & Howlett, H. S. (2009). Success in practical/vocational nursing: From student to leader (6 th ed.). St. Louis, MI: Saunders/Elsevier Rita Pierson: Build relationships with your students (2013). Retrieved from [Video file] / Weimer,M. (n.d.). Five characteristics of learner-centered teaching. Retrieved from teaching-strategies/five-characteristics-of- learner-centered-teaching/ teaching-strategies/five-characteristics-of- learner-centered-teaching/ Wiggins, Grant: Defining assessment (2002). Edutopia [Weblog] Retrieved from wiggins-assessment REFERENCE