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Presentation transcript:


HPRP Reporting Requirements Overview: General Reporting Requirements & Process HMIS DMS – internal to IHCDA, then to IDIS Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) components  Initial performance report  QPR Schedule Annual Performance Report (APR) components New HPRP data elements 2

General Reporting Requirements Recovery Act requires use of HMIS or comparable data base for data collection Grantees and subgrantees providing HPRP assistance/services must report client-level data into CoC’s HMIS or comparable database Comparable database must be consistent with HMIS Data and Technical Standards and meet HPRP reporting requirements. Requires review and approval by HUD. 3

Reporting Overview Report TypeReporting PeriodPreliminary Report Due Date Final Report Due Date Initial Performance Report, Due 10/10/09 Date of grant agreement execution through 9/30/09 10/3/0911/5/09 Quarterly Performance Reports, Due 10 days after end of each quarter October 1 to December 31 January 1 to March 31 April 1 to June 30 July 1 to September 30 3 days after end of each quarter 5 th of month following preliminary due date Annual Performance Report, Due 60 days after end of Federal Fiscal Year October 1 to September days after the end of each federal fiscal year N/A 4

HPRP and IDIS HPRP grantees use DMS to report HPRP expenses. IHCDA uses IDIS to draw down and track funds IDIS will not collect beneficiary data but DMS will gather some reporting elements. Minimal data entry Will start in legacy or re-engineered IDIS – depending on timing 5

IDIS will not be Modified for HPRP HUD will establish a new Grant in IDIS for HPRP Grantees use ESG Program Path to set up IDIS activities for HPRP Grantee will commit funds from HPRP grant (Activity Funding) Grantee will “pre-fund” subgrantee accounts with about 90 days of anticipated expenditures. Thereafter, each claim submission will allow IHCDA to re-fund the subgrantee account to the 90 day level. 6

HPRP follows ESG Project/Activity Structure in IDIS ESG projects = Shelter or Program Activities = Eligible HPRP activity category  Administration  Homelessness Prevention  Rapid Re-housing* * Report under “Homeless Assistance” Category in re- engineered IDIS or under “Essential Services” category in legacy IDIS 7

Sample of IDIS Project for HPRP Project # 123 – 2009 HPRP Good Hope Shelter $100,000 Activity #996 HPRP Administration $5,000 Activity # 997 Homelessness Prevention $25,000 Activity # 998 Rapid Re-housing $70,000 8

IDIS Disbursements Funds disbursed by eligible activity Grantees encouraged to draw down monthly HUD will review expenditure rates State of Indiana will review expenditures 9

Quarterly Performance Report Grantees submit QPR to HUD and OMB  Unduplicated accounting required QPRs are cumulative (inclusive of activities from prior quarters) Data is reported for each quarter and for the entire grant period to date 10

Initial Performance Report Supplement to first quarterly report includes:  Maintenance of effort  Amount of HPRP used to continue existing services  Grant Allocation Schedule  Subgrantee awards by activity  Projected program outputs  Projected persons and households to be served during the grant period by homeless status at entry and eligible service activity  Homeless Prevention Targeting – description of targeting approach and activities  HMIS plan 11

QPR Components Grantee Information  Contact, authorizing entity, project information Program Performance  Persons and households served  Organized by Homeless status at entry Type of service activities  Housing outcomes of persons served To be counted as HPRP program participants, households must have an entry housing status reported (homeless or non-homeless) and receive Financial Assistance and/or Housing Relocation and Stabilization 12

QPR Components – 2 Financial Information  HPRP expenditures by eligible activity type  Financial assistance  Housing relocation and stabilization services  Data collection and evaluation  Administration 13

QPR Components –3 Financial Information  HPRP Expenditures by service type and eligible service activity  Homelessness prevention  Homeless assistance  Within each by service activity  Financial assistance  Housing relocation and stabilization 14

APR Components Grantee information Program outputs Client characteristics by household type Client characteristics by exit status HPRP expenditures by service type, eligible activity and sub-activities Program performance by service type Narrative 15

Additional HMIS Data Elements for HPRP Reporting New data elements for HPRP:  Grantee and SubgranteeIdentifier  Financial Assistance Provider  Housing relocation and stabilization services provider New universal data element:  Housing status – separation of homeless and non-homeless populations for reporting purposes – must be collected at program entry and exit  Literally homeless  Imminently at risk of becoming homeless  Precariously housed and at risk of homelessness  Stably housed 16

Data Element: Financial Assistance Provided HPRP funded financial assistance ONLY  Start date  End date  Amount  Type  Rental assistance  Security deposit  Utility deposit  Utility payment  Moving cost assistance  Motel/hotel voucher 17

Financial Assistance Data Element Purpose is to determine type and amount of financial assistance received by program participant Required for HPRP APR and QPR Record HPRP funded assistance paid to 3 rd party for benefit of program participant  Start date  End date  Type  Amount 18

Financial Assistance Data Collect for each instance of financial assistance and each type of assistance Start/end dates may be same for one-time assistance For on-going rental assistance  Start/end dates different  Collected at least once every three months during program enrollment and consecutive months of assistance  If rental assistance exceeds 3 months, also collected at program exit 19

Financial Assistance: Short or Medium Term Assistance For HPRP reporting  Short or medium term rental assistance will be determined by the number of months of rental assistance provided during continuous program participation 20

New Data Element: Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services Provided HPRP funded services ONLY  Start date  End date  Type  Case management  Outreach and engagement  Housing search and placement  Legal services  Credit repair 21

Housing Relocation and Stabilization Purpose is to determine HPRP funded services provided during program participation Required for QPR and APRs Collected at least every three months during program participation If enrollment exceeds 3 months, also collected at program exit 22

Income and Sources Data Collection Must be collected from participants  At entry  At exit  At least once annually Income is counted if received within last 30 days 23

Household reporting 24 Households that are other than literally homeless at entry are reported in the homeless prevention columns Homeless assistance columns include people who were literally homeless at entry

Homelessness Prevention and Homeless Assistance Data Shells for Reporting 25 Financial AssistancePersons Served: Quarterly and cumulative Households Served: Quarterly and Cumulative Rental Assistance Security and utility deposits Utility payments Moving cost assistance Motel and Hotel Vouchers

Homeless Prevention and Homeless Assistance Reporting Data Shells 26 Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services Persons Served: Quarterly and cumulative Households Served: Quarterly and Cumulative Case Management Outreach and Engagement Housing Search and Placement Legal Services Credit Repair

Housing Outcomes Destination Needed for HPRP QPRs Collected at program exit – if person still enrolled as of the last day of the reporting period, no housing outcome data should be reported Revised to include destination type with tenure and subsidy types 27

Housing Outcomes for HPRP Permanent Housing  Permanent supportive housing for homeless persons (SHP, etc)  Rental by client, no housing subsidy  Rental by client VASH subsidy  Rental by client other (non-VASH) housing subsidy  Owned by client, no housing subsidy  Owned by client, with housing subsidy  Staying or living with family, permanent tenure  Staying or living with friend, permanent tenure 28

Housing Outcomes for HPRP 29 Temporary destinations  Emergency shelter including hotel or motel paid for with emergency shelter voucher  Transitional housing for homeless people (including youth)  Staying or living with family, temporary tenure  Staying or living with friend, temporary tenure  Hotel or motel not paid by emergency shelter voucher  Place not meant for human habitation  Safe haven

Housing Outcomes for HPRP 30 Institutional Destinations  Psychiatric hospital or other psychiatric destination  Substance abuse treatment facility or detox center  Hospital (non-psychiatric)  Jail, prison, or juvenile detention facility  Foster care home or foster care group home Other Deceased Don’t know/refused Missing information – Do Not Use!

Government-Wide Report Requirements for ARRA 31 OMB imposed reporting requirements on all agencies disbursing ARRA funds Additional data elements that will be required include:  Jobs created and retained (expressed in full-time-equivalents) – number of positions  Brief description of types of jobs created/retained  Under certain circumstances, 5 most highly compensated officers must be named and total compensation reported  If, in the preceding fiscal year, organization received 80% or more of annual gross income from Federal contracts/grants/loans and  The organization received over 25,000 in annual gross revenues from Federal contracts and  The public does not have access to information about compensation through reports filed with the SEC or IRS

ARRA Reporting Data Elements 32 Sub-grantee financial information  Name, DUNS number, location, contract amount, Congressional District  Names and total compensation of 5 most highly compensated officers if conditions on prior slide are met