The fight against youth unemployment in the region Rivierenland Dordrecht 28 October 2014 Pim Kalkman
Region Rivierenland (Province of Gelderland) 10 municipalities inhabitants
Level of education is relatively low 56 % of the unemployed youth has no level of basic qualification Employment rate 5,4 %; youth employment rate 12 % From 2015 till 2030 : 25 % of the regional workforce retires Quantitative replacement is possible; qualitative replacement is a problem Job prospects mainly in technical area, logistics and transport, horticulture and business services More temporary jobs and less permanent jobs The hard facts
Effects more severe for youth entering the workforce with education level below tertiary level Consequences of youth unemployment Youth are increasingly employed in non-standard jobs, including temporary employment and part- time work Raise risk of future unemployment and/or protracted period of unstable employment Valuable work experience is not acquired and professional skills may fade away Is likely to result in wage scars that continue to depress employment and earnings prospects Is likely to become more serious the longer unemployment of youngsters continues Consequences
Two key challenges: long-term and short-term Structural youth unemployment (long-term) affects 7 – 9% of young people ( the most disadvantaged) It is good to form partnerships to support young people with complex needs The shortage of jobs (short- term) means prepare for tomorrow’s jobs Focus on qualifications and employability skills Inform young people in a realistic way about the labour market Invest in a gradual transition from education to work Make job opportunities and work-experience available to young people Stimulate entrepreneurship Analysis
Personal coaching of youngsters Connection education- labour market Commitment of employers Arrangements between local authorities, education and trade and industry Sustainable employability Further research Focus in approach
Two services: – Work training portal (advice, testing) – Employers advice centre ( active approach of employers) Community coaching – With volunteers from the region Starters grants – Six months training programme Prevention of early school leaving Care component in special education – Sheltered workplacements with help of specialized youth care – Custom courses in different branches – Advice on job carving Personal coaching of youngsters
Vouchers for work placements in – Technical area – Logistics and transport General vouchers for work placements Centre for young entrepreneurship Connection education labour market
Regional social agreement – Cooperation on a regional level – Employers are responsible for the labour market in the region – Local authority facilitates – 1 st target : 200 jobs,workplacements – 2nd target: 10 jobs for people with a distyance to teh labour market Ambassadors – Offer workplacement – Preferred supplier for other ambassadors – 5 x5 x5 Commitment of employers
Fort Asperen Toegerust uit de startblokken. Arrangements between local authorities, education and trade and industry
– MBO investeringsfonds ( MBO Vocational Investment Fund ) Fund to help vocational education to realize a better connection between education and the labour market students are responsible for their own future enterpreneurship employability skills Sustainable employability
Work security before job security Labour market more and more flexible The effects of ageing tend to benefit the labour market later than expected The vacancies for jobs hardest to fulfill are for jobs we hadn’t even heard of ten years ago Only 30 % of people with higher education work in the field they were educated in Further research
Strategic platform – 10 municipalities – Respresentation of employers – Trade unions – Education – PES not only labour market policy, but also economical development serves as a basis for the new participation law Platform Education Labour Market
Starting from 2015 municipalities, employers and labour unions are responsible in their region for inhabitants with reduced earning capacity To realize that each of the 35 labour market region installs a business company The PES indicates which kind of work is appropiate. This directly affects the ammount of the benefit and any wage supplement. Participation law (social agreement) Participation law (social agreement)
PES gives information on – Figures en statistics – Development labour market in the region – Youth, education and work Integrated systems – Duo, SUWI, PES Province of Gelderland – Economical development and development labour market Newsletters Grey economy Exchange of information
Strong infrastructure Commitment of employers Accounting for succes
Lack of coherence Hard to get all relevant information Too many different approaches – Ministery of Social Affairs – Province of Gelderland – Social agreement – European Social Fund – MBO Vocational Investment Fund Bottlenecks
Don’t just plan- try to improve
Cross sectoral education (e.g. IT, engineering and care) Life long learning New concepts in mobility (flexpools) Improvement and key concepts for the future