Job Offer Evaluations So much more than salary! Presented by: Rhonda Richardson, Assistant Director Dana Tumbleston, Manager MUSC Human Resources Management
Now What????
Preparation Resume’ or CV Interview Skills Cover Letter Thank you notes Decision Matrix Location Type of Company (Healthcare, etc…) Family/Work Life considerations Relocation Costs Cost of Living Other ???? (What is important to YOU!) (Ethical considerations)
Job Offer Factors Career Aspirations Position Salary Healthcare / Benefits Retirement Paid Leave
Cont… Work Environment Opportunity for Advancement Travel Management / Staff Work-Life Balance Other “perks”
Evaluating Offers Take each job offer and consider the following: 1) Would it make good use of my skills and education? 2) Would I learn and grown in my skills and knowledge?
3) Would there be enough variety? Too much variety? 4) What would be expected of me? And, what could I expect? Do they have an idea of what I might expect?
5) Would I be happy in the work environment? 6) Do I think I can work with the people I have met? 7) Will this company be able to meet my financial needs? 8) Would the location be right for me (and my family?
9) Would there be any travel involved? 10) How long is my commute to work? 11) Would it leave time for a work/life balance? 12) Are there any factors that I may have to consider such as too much or too little travel, team environment versus individual work, work hours, etc?..
13) Could there be any hidden costs (such as the need for a second car, special clothing/uniforms, child care, etc? 14) DO I FEEL GOOD ABOUT THE OFFER??????
Dollars and Sense Salary Leave (Annual, Sick, Holidays) Health, Life, Disability and Dental Insurance Retirement Match Disability Social Security Match Workers’ Compensation
Let’s do the math… Salary = $40,000 Value of Benefits (For a “state” employee) Single46% Family 63% Actual Compensation Single$58,400 Family$65,200
What to Look For Leave: How much? PTO, Holidays, Sick Leave, Annual Leave, Supplemental Leave, Sabbatical Insurance:Health (Cost, Co-Pay, Etc.) Insurance:Vision Care Insurance:Dental Insurance:Life (Dependent Life) Pre-Tax Spending Accounts
Disability: What I need to be out of work due to illness? Disability Retirement plan Retirement – Pretax Is there a matching portion? Is the plan fixed? Are my contributions fixed? Supplemental Tax-Deferred or Roth Plans
Can I negotiate? Within reason Look at market ( Look at overall package (leave, retirement, etc.) Request an extension to the offer Be truthful and factual Negotiate non salary items (travel, relocation costs, tuition, etc.)
Respond to all offers… Acceptance Letter Know terms and conditions Background check, Drug Screening, Security Clearance Effective date of employment and salary in writing! Ask about probationary periods and what they mean! Ask about funding!!! Declination Letters Thank them for the opportunity!!! Keep you in mind in the future!!!
Quotes, Questions and Handouts… I can't imagine anything more worthwhile than doing what I most love. And they pay me for it. Edgar Winter Edgar Winter What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us. Julia Cameron