Notes to Self 1. Questions during presentation 2. “Take Aways”
Assignment Database (p. 53 Workbook) Resources National Accreditation Username: Nursing Password: Nursing Link to PN Curriculum
Apprenticeship: Knowledge Domain: Cognitive Apprenticeship: Ethical Comportment Domain: Affective Apprenticeship: Practice-Know-How Domain: Psychomotor
Ethical Comportment is Evaluated with Assignments. Reflective questions, papers and journaling Assist the student to identify values that influence their role as a nurse. Verbs such as: Value – Appreciate – Respect Students reflect on the value of the competencies in their practice as well as demonstrate the value in their practice.
Where do we Measure the Apprenticeships? Semester or Level 1: Knowledge and Practice measured Semester or Level 2: Practice and Ethical Comportment are measured ONLY a framework In actuality they are all combined and E can proceed K and P.
The Informatics/Technology Student Learning Outcome (SLO). The practical nursing graduate will utilize information technology in the health care setting (NAPNES).
Documentation Confidentiality Competency for Informatics/Technology Identify (Knowledge), demonstrate (Practice), and appreciate (Ethical comportment) the use of information technology to accurately document patient care while consistently safeguarding confidential health information.
Listed is the Informatics Competency #2 for Informatics/Technology Identify (Knowledge), demonstrate (Practice), and value (Ethical comportment) the use of information technology to access reliable information and resources that support evidence based patient care, reduce reliance on memory (NLN), and enhance competency within the practice setting.
Assignment to Measure the Documentation - Confidentiality Competency of Information -Technology SLO.
HealthForce Website Accreditation.php Confidentiality and Information Technology Data Mining and the HER Ethical Comportment Journal Pre and Post Assessment of Informatics
Managing Care
Managing Care
The SLO for Managing Care. The practical nursing graduate will manage care through planning, organizing (NAPNES) and assigning aspects of care to UAP’s and LPN’s under the direction of a RN or other licensed Health Care Provider (MN Scope Of Practice).
Competency (Managing Care) #1 for Managing Care Identify (Knowledge), demonstrate (Practice), and appreciate (Ethical comportment) one's role in managing care (planning and organizing) in providing quality nursing care under the direction of a RN or licensed HCP.
Competency #2 for Managing Care (Assign/Monitor) Identify (Knowledge), assign (Practice) nursing tasks/activities to other LPN’s, assign and monitor nursing tasks/activities to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP) and accept (Ethical comportment) accountability for the PN scope of practice.
2 Assignments to Measure Managing Care. Managing Care Assignment Ethical Comportment Assignment
HealthForce Website: Managing Care Accreditation.php Ethical Comportment Journal Managing Care Identifying Delegation Managing Care
Nursing Judgment/Evidence Based Care
The SLO for Nursing Judgment/Evidence Based Care. The practical nursing graduate will utilize evidence based nursing judgment when prioritizing care, implementing interventions, reporting changes, (Scope Of Practice); and promoting the health (NLN) of individual patients across the lifespan (Scope of Practice).
Assignments to Measure Nursing Judgment/Evidence Based Care Nursing Judgment K + P Prioritization K + P
Additional Assignments for SLO Nursing Judgment/Evidence Based Care Daily Clinical Worksheet Nursing Judgment Ethical Comportment
HealthForce Website: Nursing Judgment/Evidence Based Research Accreditation.php Alternate Clinical Care Co-Morbid Diagnosis Dementia Unit-Concept Intracranial
Patient/Relationship Centered Care
SLO for Patient/Relationship Centered Care The practical nursing graduate demonstrates effective communication skills (NAPNES) while providing patient care founded on basic physical, developmental, spiritual, cultural, functional, and psychosocial needs (NAPNES) of individual (SOP) patients across the lifespan.
Assignments to Measure Patient/Relationship Centered Care Communication (Caring) Nursing Process
Assignment to Measure Patient/Relationship Centered Care – Learning Needs Competency
HealthForce Website: Relationship Centered Care Accreditation.php Communication Journal Cultural Assignments (Hmong, Somali, Latino/Hispanic) Diversity Assignment Jean Watson Caring Assignment Patient Education/Health Literacy
Patient Relationship Centered Care
Professional Identity and Behavior
SLO for Professional Identity and Behavior. The practical nursing graduate will demonstrate professional behaviors and accountability to legal and ethical nursing practice standards for a competent PN (NAPNES).
Assignments for Professional Identity and Behavior Competencies LEGAL/ETHICAL PROFESSIONALISM
HealthForce Website: Professional Identity Accreditation.php Professional Boundaries Self Reflection Scope of Practice Ethical Practice and Social Media
Quality Improvement
SLO for Quality Improvement The practical nursing graduate will participate in quality improvement by providing input into the development of policies and procedures (SOP) and effectively using resources to achieve patient outcomes (NAPNES).
Assignments to Measure Quality Improvement SLO Patient Satisfaction Policies and Procedures
HealthForce Website: Quality Improvement Accreditation.php Hourly Rounding Falls Risk Assignment
SLO for Safety The practical nursing graduate will recognize and report changes and responses to interventions to a RN or the appropriate licensed health care provider while providing a safe environment for patients, self, and others (SOP).
Assignments to Measure Safety Competencies Preventing Complications
HealthForce Website: Safety Accreditation.php Safety 60 Second Situational Awareness Prioritization of Multiple Patients Preventing complications Chain of Infection
Teamwork and Collaboration
SLO for Teamwork and Collaboration The practical nursing graduate will participate as a member of the interprofessional team collaborating and communicating with other health care providers (SOP) to promote safe, quality, patient centered care.
Assignments to Measure Teamwork and Collaboration Conflict Resolution
HealthForce Website: Teamwork and Collaboration Accreditation.php SBAR Communication with Concepts Teamwork Journal
Other Resources on HealthForce Website Other Assignments Test Blueprints
Questions??? … Help with curriculum….