EDUC /EDUC Evolution of Educational Technology in Society, Education, and the Workplace Bengy Ellison February 14, 2010 TimeLine Project 1
Past, Present, Future The Good, The Better, The Advanced!! Toffler’s Three Waves
Agricultural Wave 1800BC-1750AD Extended families tied to the land and dependent on the survival of crops. Families traveled by walking or horse. Communication consisted of talking face to face or word traveling with the Pony Express Education was simple including few books, classes with a variety of age groups, and home schooling.
Industrial Wave Family changed to nuclear units due to industrialization. Families were separated to work in factories and towns. Businesses went top down, bureaucracies were in place, and factories went up. People continued to communicate face to face with the addition of landline telephones. Educaiton saw the addition of film strips, video, TV, students grouped by age and grade, and books.
Informational Wave Single parent families/two working parents/latch key kids Business has moved into a collaborative teamwork environment with flexible hours. Locations are varied. Planes and automobiles are prevalent Communication has taken a massive leap with the use of cellular phones, computers, and internet. Our youth is now digitalized.
Fourth Wave/ “Humanology” A continuous process from the agricultural, industrial, to informational age to the multi facets of technological advances we see today. Communication and Creativity is and will play an important role Values, morals, and standards must be implemented Biotechnologies have started and will continue to develop All knowledge based facets are being influenced and will continue to be influenced and changed. Is it possible that the human will actually become the computer instead of manipulating the machine?
In 1902 Willis Carrier invented the first air conditioning. In 1906 Lewis Nixon invented the first sonar listening device Technological Advances and Innovations:
Cost accounting innovated by DuPont in Ford’s assembly line Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work:
The first copies of The Interpretation of Dreams appear, post- dated Ernest Jones: Founder of the American Psychoanalytic Association 1910 Ernest Jones: Founder of the American Psychoanalytic Association Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
1908 NAACP founded Wright Brothers first flight Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
1990 Jazz Sheetmusic Advances in the World of Music
Technological Advances and Innovations: Garrett A. Morgan invents Morgan Gas Mask in rtinventors/a/Gar rett_Morgan.htm rtinventors/a/Gar rett_Morgan.htm 1917: Jacob Schick develops the electric razor /gflinn/schick.htm /gflinn/schick.htm
Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: Hollywood is born bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1999/12/27/DD DTL bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1999/12/27/DD DTL 1911 Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States y_v._United_States y_v._United_States
1912 first Montessori school was established in Tarrytown, N.Y Dewey writes Democracy and Education. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
1917 WW Nineteenth Amendment Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
Advances in the World of Music American patriotic songs/Between mid-1914 and mid-1919 4/thismonth/feature.php 4/thismonth/feature.php 1920 Juilliard Foundation created school-in-new-yorkusa.html school-in-new-yorkusa.html
1921- Modern polygraph machine invented by John Larson John Baird creates first television transmitter logie-bairdhttp:// logie-baird Technological Advances and Innovations:
1927 Doheny Oil Scandal Case Stock Market Crash Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work:
1924 A. S. Neil founded Summerhill a radical progressive school founded on the principals of freedom Sidney L. Pressey published the first paper on the use of the Teaching Machine in School and Society. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
1920 Prohibition of alcohol Stock Market Crash Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
1925 First Electrical Recordings The New Orthophonic Victrola Record Player Advances in the World of Music
1932 Edward Herbert Land invented stop action photography Chester Carlson invented the photocopier. Technological Advances and Innovations:
1930 The Ernest Munster Papers tml 1933 The New Deal Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work:
1932 Thorndike’s Word Books Social Theories of Vilfredo Pareto- Mind and Society pdf Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
1933 The Great Depression The 21 st amendment 21st-amendment-repeals-prohibition/ Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
1935 – 1947 Big Band/Swing BASF engineers Advances in the World of Music
1941 Konrad Zuse invents the first computer controlled by software Percy Spencer invented the microwave oven. nt/iow/spencer.html nt/iow/spencer.html Technological Advances and Innovations:
1940 Merill Lynch and Co. formed industry/finance/merrill-lynch-co/ 1946 Mitsuba Company in Japan Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work:
1946 Edgar Dale’s Cone of Learning people/edgar-daleg 1953 Behavior therapy research project Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
1941 Pearl Harbor NATO formed Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
1941 Les Paul/first solid-body electric guitar Bing Crosby releases "White Christmas" Advances in the World of Music
1951 Charles Ginsburg invented the first video tape recorder Gordon Gould invents the laser. Technological Advances and Innovations:
1950 Gross National Product lowest-share-of-gdp-since-1950/ 1951 Diner’s Club Card Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work:
1957 Skinner Operant Conditioning Paradigm The Premack Principle by David Premack Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
1954 Brown Vs. Board of Education Sputnik Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
1956 Heartbreak Hotel Plane crash kills Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, The Big Bopper html Advances in the World of Music
1962 The Phillip’s Company audio cassette m 1964 BASIC –computer language program Technological Advances and Innovations:
1962 Wal-Mart founded by Sam Walden Neil Armstrong-first man on the moon 0/ stm Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work:
1962 Piaget’s Sensorimotor Practice Play Bruner’s Constructivist Theory Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
1960 Civil Rights Movement Assassination of Martin Luther King Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
1966 Jimi Hendrix Woodstock festival-culture.html Advances in the World of Music
1971 Liquid Crystal Display-James Fergason ons/a/LCD.htm 1973 Ethernet invented Technological Advances and Innovations:
1972 Equal Pay Act Japan’s first cell phone network introduced Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work:
The Society for Quantitative Analyses of Behavior (SQAB) was founded in Rehabilitation Act of Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
1970 Earth Day Twenty Sixth Amendment Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
1977 Cassettes Pulse code modulation recording/64651/Advancements-since-World-War-II Advances in the World of Music
1984 Apple Macintosh invented Digital Cell phones invented Technological Advances and Innovations:
1983 Personal Computer nomination by Time Magazine Tax Reform Act Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work:
1984 Experimental learning styles l%20Learning%20Styles 1990 Federal Law /The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
1981 President Reagan Shot stm 1986 Challenger Explodes Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
1981 MTV The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ame/ Advances in the World of Music
Father of the Internet Tim Berners-Lee Web TV invented Technological Advances and Innovations:
1995 Ebay website founded World Investment Report Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work:
1994 KIPP Reading Excellence Act is passed. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
1990 The Gulf War President Bill Clinton Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
1990 Piracy RAP became the top-selling music genre in America. / Advances in the World of Music
2001 Apple Computer’s iPod You Tube invented Technological Advances and Innovations:
2001 Corporations Act tb_business.html 2008 Americans with Disabilities Acts Amendments Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work:
2001 No Child Left Behind Flat Classroom Project Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction:
2008 World Olympics Barack Obama elected president Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of
2000 Limewire founded Anniversary of AACM Advances in the World of Music