DC DATACOMM John Abbott College JPC Data Communications Course Overview M. E. Kabay, PhD, CISSP Director of Education, ICSA President, JINBU Corp Copyright © 1998 JINBU Corp. All rights reserved
DC Datacomm Course Outline l Textbooks l Syllabus l Evaluation l Expectations
DC Textbooks Beyda, W. J. (1996). Data Communications: From Basics to Broadband, Second Edition. Prentice-Hall (Upper Saddle River, NJ). ISBN xvii Index. Carroll, J., R. Broadhead & D. Cassel (1998) Canadian Internet Handbook, Educational Edition. Prentice Hall Canada (Scarborough, ON). ISBN xiii Index.
DC Syllabus Day 1 l Telephony (Beyda Chapter 2) l Basic concepts of datacomm (Ch. 3) l Homework: read Chapters 1-3 and scan Chapters 4-5; prepare written answers to Exercises at end of Chapters 2 and 3. l Prepare for Quiz 1
DC Syllabus Day 2 l Quiz on class and readings from Day 1 l Standards for data interfaces and transmission (Ch. 4) l Techniques for improving datacomm efficiency (Ch. 5) l Homework: read Chapters 4-5 and scan Chapters 6-8; prepare written answers to Exercises at end of Chapters 4 and 5.
DC Syllabus Day 3 l Quiz on Day 2 materials l Data integrity and security (Ch. 6) l Architectures and protocols (Ch. 7) l Data transport networks (Ch. 8) l Homework: read Chapters 6-8 and scan Chapters 9-10; prepare written answers to Exercises at end of Chapters 6, 7 and 8.
DC Syllabus Day 4 l Quiz on Day 3 materials l Network management (Ch. 9) l Digital telecommunications (Ch. 10) l Homework: read Chapters 9 & 10; prepare written answers to Exercises at end of Chapters 9 and 10.
DC Syllabus Day 5 l Quiz on Day 4 materials l Overview of CompuServe, the Internet and the World-Wide Web l Homework: scan Carroll et al; prepare written answers to exercises supplied by instructor.
DC Rules of the Game l Classes begin sharp 08:59:45 & end no later than 15:01:15 l Do not be late l Absence from class requires valid explanation else potential expulsion from course l Scan chapters in preparation for next day l Read chapters at end of day and review using class notes l Print answers to all exercises from textbook and submit for credit l Work individually but use colleagues for review
DC Evaluation l Submit answers to textbook exercises: 50% of grade l Four daily open-book quizzes: 50% of final grade – 10 questions per quiz (short answer) – 20 minutes l Pass mark for each quiz and exam is 80%; else ZERO credit for that quiz or exam l Teacher wants entire class to get 100%
DC Disclaimers The Instructor has free access to CompuServe because of services as Chief Sysop of the NCSA Forums on CompuServe. The National Computer Security Association receives royalties calculated on total amount of time spent by users logged into the NCSA Forums on CompuServe. Except for these benefits, JINBU Corporation and the National Computer Security Association derive no benefit whatsoever from the purchase or other use of the services and products named in this course, nor do JINBU Corporation or the National Computer Security Association own any part of any companies or organizations selling or marketing these services and products. JINBU Corporation and the NCSA make no recommendations of products or services except on contract for specific clients.