+ Multiple Pathways to Post- Secondary Education at the University of the District of Columbia The DC public higher education system: The UDC Main Campus (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral, & Law degrees) The UDC Community College (Associate’s degrees) The UDC Community College Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning (Certifications & Licenses) Incoming students must take a placement exam to determine course placement: ACCUPLACER Exam for UDC and UDC-CC credit programs CASAS Assessment for UDC-CC Workforce Development non-credit programs
+ Post-Secondary Preparation Goal of CASAS = To assess students’ readiness for non-credit training courses that prepare students for certifications or licenses in workforce areas. Goal of ACCUPLACER = To assess students’ eligibility for credit- bearing college courses in Math and English What high school students can do with ACCUPLACER results: Start earning college credits in eligible areas (UDC-CC Dual Enrollment, HISCIP, etc.) High school students that earn 6 or more college credits graduate from college at significantly higher rates than students entering college without credits Spend additional time getting ready for credit-bearing college courses My Foundations Lab Intervention course Supplemental instruction provided by the high school or community organization Other intervention
+ About ACCUPLACER Exams & MFL Created by the College Board, announced plans to align ACCUPLACER to Common Core State Standards; Used in 1,300 institutions of higher education nationwide ACCUPLACER Exams assess students in 4 areas: Reading Comprehension Sentence Skills Arithmetic Elementary Algebra ACCUPLACER Placement Exam: determines placement into credit- bearing college courses (average length 2-3 hours) ACCUPLACER Diagnostic Exam: determines math and reading areas where student needs additional instruction; content is automatically populated in MFL intervention when created (average length 4 hours) My Foundations Lab (MFL) Intervention: provides students with math and reading assignments, tutorials, assessments; automatically imports student’s diagnostic scores into intervention content (average time spent 6-10 weeks) Instructor needed to oversee intervention and to provide supplemental instruction
Results About 60% of incoming college students nationally take one or more remedial courses 96% of incoming UDC Community College students take one or more remedial courses 1,170 high school or GED program students tested in % are eligible for credit-bearing college courses in English 8% are eligible for credit-bearing college courses in Math
+ About CASAS & MFL Created by CASAS, a nonprofit organization, focuses on assessment and curriculum development of basic skills for youth and adults; Administered to more than five million youth and adults annually CASAS Appraisal assesses students in 2 areas: Reading Comprehension Arithmetic My Foundations Lab (MFL) Intervention: provides students with math and reading assignments, tutorials, assessments; automatically imports student’s diagnostic scores into intervention content (average time spent 6-10 weeks) First step is the Pathbuilder – diagnostic determines math and reading areas where student needs additional instruction; content is automatically populated in MFL intervention when created (average length 2-3 hours) Instructor needed to oversee intervention and to provide supplemental instruction
+ Workforce Programs Focus on five industry areas Allied Health and Nursing Administrative & Information Technology Transportation Construction & Property Management Hospitality & Tourism Program design Competency-based Aligned with third-party credentials “Skills Checks” in MFL before course completion Mapped to career pathways
+ Future Plans Dual enrollment workforce programs Age requirements for some credentials Dual credit with DCPS Scale up ACCUPLACER assessment and intervention for 9 th- 12 th grade Articulation of credentialed workforce programs to for-credit courses Leveraging CTE funds to support more models of dual enrollment (workforce and credit)
+ Contact Us Edith Westfall, Director for the Center for Workforce Strategies, Robyn Attebury, Director of College Readiness and Community Outreach, Future PD Sessions about ACCUPLACER assessments: March 19 th April 10 th Register through OSSE