Doping drugs
Definition Word doping originally came from southern africa. it’s an alchoholic drink use to increase power of local people in dancing ceremonies.
Scandals of doping
Wold Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Protection of athletes health Respect for both medical and sport ethics Equality for all competing athletes Goals
SIX TYPES OF DOPING DRUGS Stimulants Narcotic analgesics Anabolic agents Peptide hormones Beta-2 agonists Masking agents
Stimulants Stimulants can stimulate the body both mentally and physically,by acting on the central nervous system. increase : – alertness – physical activity – heart rate – breathing rates – brain functions. Have similar chemical strucrture to adernline and noradernaline In athletes improve speed, endurance
stimulants Ampheta mine (injection,ta blet, crystalline powder) Metamphe tamin (injection, powder, tablets) Ephedrin e (tablets, capsules, herbal form) Adrafinil (tablet, pill) Modafinil (tablet, pill) Cocaine
Stimulants side effects Increased heart rate, high BP, cardiac irregularities Insomnia, Anxiety, Tremor, Aggressiveness, loss of appetite. Inhibited judgement / decision making. Amphetamines : Anxiety, ventricular dysrhythmias, hypertension,hallucinations, addiction, death Ephedrine : Anxiety, ventricular dysrhythmias, hypertension,hallucinations, addiction
Narcotic analgesics painkillers that act on the brain and spinal cord to treat pain Narcotic analgesics could be used to reduce or eliminate the pain felt from an injury or illness, allowing them to continue in their training Narcotics have no ergogenic or performance enhancing qualities. The danger is that the drug could merely be masking the pain. so, athletes may have a false sense of security, and by continuing to train and compete, risk further health problems.
Narcotic analgesics Buprenorp hine Dextromor amide HeroinMorphinepethidine
Narcotic analgesics side effect Nausea Vomiting Dizziness Addiction Hypotension Drowsiness Mood disturbances
Anabolic agents Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are man made versions of testosterone the male sex hormone. They increase protein synthesis within cells and build up of cellular tissues (anabolism) specially in muscles. Athletes and body builders take anabolic steroids to make their muscles bigger and stronger. The drug also keeps their energy high so they can train longer and harder without getting tired and sore.
Testosterone usage
PEPTIDE HORMONES substances that are produced by glands in the body and affect other organs and tissue changes bodily functions growth, behaviour and sensitivity to pain. – stimulate the production of hormones – increase muscle growth and strength – increase the production of red blood cells to improve the blood's ability to carry oxygen.
Erythropoietin (EPO) Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Insulin Peptide hormones
Peptide hormones side effects Erythrop oietin (EPO) (1) Thickening of the blood clots (increases blood viscosity) (2) Increased the risk of heart attacks, myocardial infarction and strokes, pulmonary embolism Human Growth Hormone (GH) (1) Overgrowth of hand, feet and face (Acromegaly) (2) Heart diseases (3) May develop resistance to long-term use (4) Carpal tunnel syndrome Insulin (1) Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) (2) Nausea, weakness, shortness of breath (3) Drowsiness, coma, (4)increased sweating.
Beta-2 agonists used to treat asthma by relaxing the muscles that surround the airway and opening up the air passages. They can act like stimulant or, if Administered into the bloodstream, have anabolic effects. increase muscle size and reduce body fat Examples: bambuterol hydrochloride, reproterol hydrochloride, tulobuterol hydrochloride
Masking agents Masking agents are products that can hide the presence of a banned substance in an athlete's urine or other sample to cover up their doping examples: epitestosterone,diuretics Diuretics also use to – reduce weight quickly(important in sport weight categories) – Reduce conentration of drugs in the urine
BLOOD DOPING (Injection of red blood cells) Remove and store afew liters of blood before the games Body replace the lost blood Return the stored blood to their bodies before the competit ion Increa se the numbe r of red blood cells Increase in athlete’s endurance
Blood doping side effects Allergic reaction (rash, fever, shock, etc) Acute hemolytic reactions with kidney damage if incorrectly typed blood is used Transmissi on of infectious diseases (viral hepatitis and AIDS) Overload of the circulatory system & blood clots Metabolic shock.
Gene doping gene doping, in the future,used by athletes in an attempt to improve the function of normal healthy cells. One scenario is the use of genes which produce the hormone IGF-1, transported into the cells and causing the body to produce higher levels of IGF-1, important in the growth and development of musculoskeletal structures This would be especially beneficial in injured athletes to speed the repair of muscles, tendons, ligaments etc.