DO NOW Date: 5/18 Make a list of everything we (humans) need to stay alive.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What conditions need to exist in order for life to survive? OBJECTIVES: -Identify survival needs (resources) for extreme environments -Watch videos on life in extreme conditions
LAST UNIT OF THE YEAR!! Create a unit title page on page ______ titled “Life and Space” Title the next page _____ “Life and Space Glossary”
VIDEO Top 10 Most Extreme Places on Earth
Life Needs Look at the data on your sheet. Do the following on the next page of your notebook after your glossary: 1. With your table group, list any resources for survival that each environment could provide. 2. Then make a list of supplies you would need to bring in order to survive an extended stay PROVIDED BY ENVIRONMENT SUPPLIES YOU NEED TO BRING
Life needs Tables 5 and 7: Equatorial Jungle Tables 2 and 9: South Pole Tables 3 and 6: High-Altitude Mountain Tables 4 and 8: Hot Desert
Life Needs Share your data with a nearby table: – Tables 1 & 2 – Tables 3 & 4 – Tables 5 & 6 – Tables 7 & 8 How did your resources differ?
Life Needs – Activity List the resources you would use in your Life Needs Chart Voice Level 1-2 Due at end of class
VIDEO Life in Extreme Conditions
Which environment supplied the most resources for survival? Which supplied the least? Which of resources would be provided in space?
DO NOW Date: 5/20 Q: What effects do the characteristics of the solar system have on the ability to maintain life? What does the word “habitat” mean? What makes the Earth “habitable” for humans? (habitable = livable)
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What effects do the characteristics of the solar system have on the ability to maintain life? OBJECTIVES: -Watch a video about the habitable zone -Determine what makes a planet habitable -Identify our solar system’s habitable zone
TURN and TALK INFER: Where do you think the habitable zone is located in our solar system? Why? Be prepared to share.
VIDEO TedEd_Habitiable Zones
Life and Space Glossary Habitable zone – the area in a solar system where conditions might potentially support life
TODAY’S GROUPS TABLE 1- 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B TABLE 2- 1C, 1D, 2C, 2D TABLE 3- 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B TABLE 4- 3C, 3D, 4C, 4D TABLE 5- 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B TABLE 6- 6C, 6D, 7C, 7D TABLE 7- 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B TABLE 8- 7C, 7D, 8C, 8D
Conditions for Life – Investigation Read introduction to “Conditions for Life” investigation Follow the procedure to complete Student Sheet 81.1 “Plotting Exoplanets” with your shoulder partner. Work on analysis questions on page ____ of your journal.
EXIT TICKET Draw a simple diagram of our solar system and label where you determined the habitable zone exists. Write a brief explanation as to why you think the habitable zone exists where it does.
Orbits of the Planets
DO NOW Date: 5/21 & 5/22 Q: What accommodations are necessary for manned space exploration? How does the position in a solar system determine whether a planet is habitable or not? Explain.
Today’s Objectives ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What accommodations are necessary for manned space exploration? OBJECTIVES: -Students will identify vital components needed for space travel.
Mars Curiosity Space Rover
Landing Mars Curiosity Partner Read: “Facts About the Rover” -Be Prepared to Share an Interesting Fact
Mars Curiosity How Do Rovers Drive on Mars Using Tools on Mars
Space Flight Part 1 In your groups: -Create a list of items you would need to bring with you to survive an extended trip on a spaceship into deep space. (Every student writes it down.) -Consider the needs of other forms of life that humans might bring along (for example, plants for food or medicine, animals for food or companionship, etc.).
Did you consider…? How do these two features of Earth help us survive? Magnetic Field Ozone
Life & Space Glossary p. Magnetic field – a protective field generated by Earth’s rotating iron core that surrounds the planet and deflects harmful solar radiation TURN & TALK: What resources/protections may humans need when traveling in outer space without the protection of Earth’s magnetic field? Add them to your list.
Life & Space Glossary p. Ozone layer – an atmospheric gas (O 3 ) that reflects harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun away from the Earth TURN & TALK: What resources/protections may humans need when traveling in outer space without the protection of Earth’s ozone layer? Add them to your list.
MAYDAY! Something has gone terribly wrong! Your spaceship has no choice but to crash land!! Using your sheet, create a poster: -Decide on which planet or moon to crash. -Draw the planet our moon you chose to land on. -List the information you have about your planet or moon. -Include a separate list of items you have with you and why they will endure your survival. Make a list of all of the parts of the planet that help to support life including but not limited to: -Temperature range-Length of a day -Distance to the nearest star-Landforms -Magnetic field -Atmospheric gases (ozone), thickness -Food/water sources
DO NOW Date: 5/23 Q: What are some of the less obvious characteristics of Earth that help us survive? Do you think there is (or has been) life on Mars? Why or why not?
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are some of the less obvious characteristics of Earth that help us survive? OBJECTIVES: -Students will go on a virtual exploration of Mars to discover possible evidence for life.
HOMEWORK Seat “C” – turn in homework for table
Reading Read background on the Mars Spirit and Opportunity rover missions
Virtual Space Mission Mars up close: Spirit and Opportunity missionsSpirit and Opportunity missions What clues did the scientists find that indicate that there may have been water on Mars? Compare and contrast the formation of sedimentary and volcanic rock. How did our knowledge of Earth surface processes help scientists in their analysis of ancient Mars environments?
Plan a Mission You are the head space scientist at NASA and you have been asked to plan the next rover exploration mission to another planet. You must: Choose a planet in the solar system you will send your rover Based on the characteristics of that planet, what would your rover be exploring/looking for? Create a “mission statement” based on what you are interested in learning. What tools would you need to explore this planet? Create a list of gadgets your rover will need. Sketch a design of your rover including the details from the questions above on page _____