Policy actions to increase payment efficiency – some experiences from Norway Knut Sandal, Norges Bank Joint ECB-MNB conference on retail payments, Budapest, November 2012
Payment efficiency Payments in Norway today Norges Bank mandate Tools Current policy 2 Agenda
Many aspects Cost-efficiency Speed User-friendliness Security ( trust) … Will focus mainly on cost-efficiency 3 Payment efficiency
4 Payments in Norway today
Sources: Norges Bank, ECB, BIS/CPSS and Central Bank of Iceland Cash as a share of means of payment (M1) Per cent. 2010
Number of card transactions per inhabitant Payments and cash withdrawal Sources: Norges Bank, ECB, BIS/CPSS and Central Bank of Iceland
Use of payment cards. NOK billions – 2011 Source: Norges Bank 7
Credit transfers and direct debit transfers (retail customers) Millions of transactions – 2011 Source: Norges Bank 8
2007 Banks’ cost recovery on payment services Income in per cent of costs. Norway, Source: Norges Bank * Interchange fees between banks are excluded in 2007
Social costs of payments: 0,5% of GDP Quite low compared with other countries Payments almost fully electronic (excl. cash) Two main reasons Extensive standardisation and cooperation within the banking industry Prices roughly mirror relative differences in production costs 10 Quite low payments costs
Mandate Central Bank Act Norges Bank shall promote an efficient payment system Payment System Act Norges Bank shall license and supervise important clearing and settlement systems for banks Finanstilsynet (FSA) shall receive notifications from payment services systems 11
No supervisory role towards retail payments Publish analysis and policy advice Publish data Number and value of transactions Prices Costs Speed of transaction 12 Tools
Annual report on payment systems Cost surveys Can compare prices/income with costs Input to policy Banks can compare with industry average Write opinions, give speeches 13 Tools
Former Governor Gjedrem in Dagbladet, May 2010: Banks must raise fees! Must mirror banks’ costs
Industry’s self regulation Norges Bank role has changed over time Until early 1990s: Participated extensively in work groups with industry on payment develpment, took ”operational” initiatives Since then: More analytical/oversight role, occasional participation in work groups Norges Bank has no intention of describing in detail how payment services should be produced, developed and/or marketed Good experiences with self regulation Norges Bank has supported industry initiatives Harmonising card, giro and ATM systems etc 15
Payment fees should mirror production costs Sufficient income gives banks incentive to invest in updating and improving systems Pricing gives users incentives Welfare maximation, not cost minimation Users should pay in the way that maximises their welfare But welfare maximation with the right conditions (prices) Zero prices not in customers’ best interest Very low fees per transaction + annual fee might be relevant Current card pricing might give incentives to reduce usage of cost-efficient national debit card 16 Current policy advice: Pricing
Norges Bank has no view on the level of cash usage in society – this is for users to decide Our cost surveys have revealed that banks’ cost recovery for cash is very low cash is efficient in the payment situation but cash handling infrastructure is expensive Cash services should be priced according to costs Banks should increase prices rather than make cash services unavailable User welfare maximation Cash still an important contingency solution 17 Current policy advice: Cash
Current policy advice: e-invoicing Paper-based giro is expensive and not easily integrated with accounting systems The processing of invoices and giro processing should be fully electronic From this summer, governmental institutions in Norway should be able to send and receive electronic invoices Huge savings are to be reaped, both in the governmental and the private sector 18
Has supported industry moves to increase number of daily mass payment settlements from 2 to 4 introduce instant payments (project stage) run pilot projects with near-field communication (NFC) technology …while highlighting the need for security and operational stability In general, banks must take clearer responsibility for services operated by external providers 19 Current policy advice: Payment speed
Policy actions to increase payment efficiency – some experiences from Norway Knut Sandal, Norges Bank Joint ECB-MNB conference on retail payments, Budapest, November 2012