Tips for Volunteers
Cheering is Volunteering Watch this clip… h?feature=player_embedded& v=b63EbiIircY h?feature=player_embedded& v=b63EbiIircY Cheer for every athlete! Respect all athletes and coaches KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE!
Call over a medical volunteer Medical volunteers will be wearing RED shirts during the weekend. Injured athlete?
Talk to a committee member! Committee members will be wearing colored fleeces! They would be happy to help and want to hear from you. See something out of place?
Remember to cheer for each and every athlete on each and every team! Don’t interfere with the competition. Don’t use the “R” word…. Spread the word to end the word. What NOT to do while cheering
Medical Issues Please call Steven Buonomo at Security Issues Please call Steve Perrotti at Need assistance?
Don’t be negative. Keep SMILING! Always remember…