POTENTIAL EXAM QUESTION Explain, in detail, why some people believe that devolution is the best way to make decisions in Scotland AND Explain, in detail, why some people believe that independence is the best way to make decisions in Scotland.
WHAT TO INCLUDE IN THIS ANSWER This is a ‘catch all’ question and would be a really good question for you to get in the exam. In it, you can draw on all that you have learned about the independence debate. You need to discuss why some people support devolution and why others support independence.
The Independence Referendum.
INDEPENDENCE – A GOOD IDEA? Working in pairs discuss how independence is a good idea for Scotland. Consider the following areas: (choose at least one to look at Defence Economy Foreign affairs Welfare benefits
INDEPENDENCE – A GOOD IDEA? Defence – Scotland could get rid of nuclear weapons – this would save the country a lot of money and it could invest this money in different areas like healthcare. Economy – Scotland is a very rich country. Scotland has the rights to over 80% of all the oil and gas wealth – taxation would come to Scotland directly. Foreign affairs – Scotland could join international groups like the EU and NATO. This means Scotland could more money from the EU instead of it going through London. Welfare benefits – Scotland would decide how much help people get e.g. how much money pensioners get or it could end the “Bedroom Tax.”
INDEPENDENCE – A GOOD IDEA? Some people argue for it also because: They believe we have done such a good job with our devolved powers (smoking ban, scrapping tuition fees, abolishing prescription charges) that we deserve to take on more powers We need Scottish solutions to Scottish problems – Scotland is very different from London for example (poorer in wealth and health)
DEVOLUTION – THE BEST OF BOTH? Working in pairs discuss how devolution (what we have now) is a good idea for Scotland. Consider the following areas: Devolved powers we already have (education, health, law and order etc.). More powerful been part of the UK (e.g. UN Security Council, G8). Currency/money Reserved matters are shared (defence, immigration etc.).
DEVOLUTION – THE BEST OF BOTH? Devolution works well – Scotland already makes its own decisions in important areas like education (e.g. free university education) and healthcare (e.g. free prescriptions). More powerful in the UK – means that Scotland has a voice in the key international bodies like the UN and the G8 so it can influence world issues. Currency/money – Scotland will be able to use the £ - a currency that is stable and it is cheap to borrow money as part of the UK. Reserved matters are shared – e.g. defence is shared meaning Scotland can afford to have nuclear weapons; the UK could afford to help the banks during the financial crisis.
YOUR TURN Using the information from the slides answer the question: Explain, in detail, why some people believe that devolution (what we currently have) is the best way to make decisions in Scotland OR Explain, in detail, why some people believe that independence is the best way to make decisions in Scotland. Remember to use Point, Detail, Example.
EXAMPLE RESPONSE - DEVOLUTION One reason why devolution is a good idea is because it works well for Scotland. This means the Scottish Government can make decisions on education that are different from England. For example in Scotland universities are free but in England they charge fees.
EXAMPLE RESPONSE - INDEPENDENCE One reason why independence is a good idea is because Scotland would be in control of all decisions. This means the Scottish Government could make laws about the benefits people receive. For example, an independent Scotland could abolish the “Bedroom Tax.”