MONTGOMERY COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S TRANSIT TASK FORCE System Design and Attributes Work Group “A” Prepared For: The Rockefeller Foundation Prepared By: Jonathan M. Genn August 3, 2011
MONTGOMERY COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S TRANSIT TASK FORCE System Design and Attributes Work Group OVER-ARCHING GOAL To integrate a new, innovative “World Class” rapid transit system into a comprehensive multi-modal transportation network that would expand accessibility to reliable and timely transit options, and thereby transform the way in which residents, workers, and visitors choose to travel throughout Montgomery County and, ultimately, the entire Washington Metropolitan Area.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S TRANSIT TASK FORCE System Design and Attributes Work Group SET OF FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES 1.Quality of system must be “World Class” if transportation behaviors are going to be transformed. 2.Cost is vitally important, but the quality of the system cannot be so compromised by cost considerations that what investment is actually made risks being ineffective or wasteful (e.g., “Tipping Point” theory). 3.First impressions are the lasting ones, so branding is key from the very outset --- what we call the system, how we brand it, and what people experience really, really matter. 4. Design the system with such reliability and high standards of quality that neighborhoods might actually compete to have the system installed in their neighborhoods.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S TRANSIT TASK FORCE System Design and Attributes Work Group NUMBER ONE TOP PRIORITY (yet our greatest challenge): To the maximum possible extent, we seek physically separated, dedicated lanes THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SYSTEM, so our Rapid Transit Vehicles (“RTVs”) would not become comingled into mixed general traffic, and thereby best ensure the reliability and time savings for our riders.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S TRANSIT TASK FORCE System Design and Attributes Work Group SECOND MOST ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTE: Developing the “World Class” Branding (with distinctive physical attributes) and Marketing Plan (with the compelling story) that will “make the case” for a County-wide Rapid Transit System.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S TRANSIT TASK FORCE System Design and Attributes Work Group MOST ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF RTVs: 1.Sleek and Stylish 2.Multiple wide doors on both sides of RTVs 3.WiFi capabilities and electronic real-time messaging
MONTGOMERY COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S TRANSIT TASK FORCE System Design and Attributes Work Group MOST ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF STATIONS: 1.Distinctive and Consistent Style and Operation 2.Safe, Wide, Weather-Protected 3.Off-Vehicle Fare Collection (proof-of-purchase) 4.Level Platform Boarding 5.Real Time Data
MONTGOMERY COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S TRANSIT TASK FORCE System Design and Attributes Work Group MOST ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF OPERATIONS: 1.Peak-peak period frequency of 3-6 minute headways 2.Peak period frequency of 5-8 minute headways 3.Intersection improvements to coordinate with other modes 4.Multi-modal integration 5.Operational Controls to reduce RTV bunching
MONTGOMERY COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S TRANSIT TASK FORCE System Design and Attributes Work Group WHAT MAKES MONTGOMERY COUNTY’S PLAN UNIQUE? 1.Ours would be a comprehensive system dedicated miles 2.Developed Broad Consensus --- Environmental Advocates, Transit Advocates, Highway Advocates, Civic Organizations, Private Businesses, Real Estate Land Developers, Governmental Agency Officials and Elected Public Officials (Representing County, State, and Federal Government). 3.Potential Prototype for Washington, DC Metropolitan Region (The Nation’s Capital should be the most appropriate place for a World Class Rapid Transit System within United States). 4.The most congested region in U.S. should be best proving ground for the RTV System concept.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S TRANSIT TASK FORCE System Design and Attributes Work Group WHY MONTGOMERY COUNTY WOULD BE A GREAT INVESTMENT FOR ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION GRANT 1.Montgomery County can be the proving ground for the comparative value of a comprehensive system versus a single line. 2.Montgomery County can be the proving ground for how a comprehensive system can “unlock” the potential for job creation and expanding the tax base in an environmentally sustainable way. 3.Montgomery County may be the proving ground for surrounding counties to witness, which in turn may lead to the development of an entire regional system throughout the Washington Metropolitan Region. In this way, the Rockefeller Foundation’s investment in Montgomery County could be leveraged to assist a dozen or more different jurisdictions in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia. 4.Montgomery County Executive Leggett is committed to actually implementing this system, and not just producing more studies and documentation to be shelved in electronic files or storage.
County Executive Leggett has shown the leadership and already made a significant investment in the preliminary studies that prove the value of this vision. Our Task Force Work Group has designed a “World Class” RTV System, which we believe would be the first truly “Gold Standard” model in the United States. We now respectfully request the Rockefeller Foundation to assist us further in the next set of studies necessary for the economic and financing justifications to implement this bold and transformational RTV System.