Objectives: 1. Review Unit 2 Lesson 2 new words and sentence patterns 2. Write a comic strip with the words and sentence patterns we learned in Unit2 Lesson2 3. TSW be able to communicate with their peers. 4. Test on Thursday.
Monday objectives: voc.quiz. Grammar: new words warm up: Please translate the words into English 1) 美国 2) 越南 3) 菲律宾 4 ) 旧金山 5 )墨 西哥 6 ) 中国 7) 泰国 8) 韩国 9) 日本
New Words jié hūn 结 婚 get married dān shēn be single 单 身 y ǒ uxi ǎ o hái 有 小 孩 have child cān jūn 参 军 join army zài… gōng zuò 在 … 工作 work at… zài…dú shū 在 … 读书 study in/ at…. dāng 当 … work as, being … yì shù jiā 艺术家 artist
Grammar: age : TSW practice the sentences with a partner. 1) ask children under 10 years old. N ǐ j ǐ suì le 你几岁了 ? How old are you ? 2)Ask children above 10 years old n ǐ duō dà n ǐ duō dà la 你多大 ? 你 多 大 啦 ? 3 ) Ask the age of the elder people with respect. Nín gāo shòu 您 高 寿? Nín duō dà suì sh ǔ la 您 多 大 岁 数 啦? Nín duō dà nián jì la 您 多大 年纪 啦?
fú wù yuán 服务 员 waiter/waitress/ service person tuī xiāo yuán 推 销 员 salesperson fáng di ch ǎ n shāng 房 地 产 商 real estate agent jīng jì fēn xī yuán 经 济 分 析 员 financial analyst gōng sī zhí yuán 公 司 职 员 staff y ǎ n yuán 演 员 actor, actress
Tuesday objectives Review the new words TSW write the first 10 sentences of the skit of 10 Year’s Reunion.
warm up: TSW take out their spiral and translate the following words 大哥 二哥 大弟弟 二弟弟 小弟弟 大姐 二姐 大妹妹 二妹妹 小妹妹 住 在 工 作 没 有
Rubrics for the 10 Year’s Reunion Imagine you come back to Richland High School for your 10-year reunion. What would it be like to see your old Chinese class friends? It’s been a long time since you’ve seen each other, so you’ll need to catch up on all the events. What do you do for a living? Are you married? Do you have children? Where do you live? Maybe you married your high school sweetheart and are living in Watauga with your 3 kids, or maybe you’re a super-model living in Paris dating a rock star. This is your chance to invent your life! You must work with a partner in order to have a conversation in Chinese, and each of you is required to have your own story. It doesn’t have to be a fabulous life, it just has to be a detailed one! Dream big and think about where you want to be, or be creative and think outside the box (while still keeping things school appropriate!).
This presentation is also worth 1 test grade. Your grade will be determined by: Vocabulary30% Grammar 30% Length 15% Preparedness 15% Creativity 10%
Unit2 lesson 2. new words yī shēng 医生 doctor hù shì 护士 nurse shāng rén 商人 business person l ǜ shī 律师 lawyer f ǎ guān 法官 judge j ǐ ng chá 警察 police officer
Wednesday’s objectives TTW teach the new words TSW be with their partner and write the rest of the skit. 10 sentences are due today.
fú wù yuán 服务 员 waiter/waitress/ service person tuī xiāo yuán 推 销 员 salesperson fáng di ch ǎ n shāng 房 地 产 商 real estate agent jīng jì fēn xī yuán 经 济 分 析 员 financial analyst gōng sī zhí yuán 公 司 职 员 staff y ǎ n yuán 演 员 actor, actress yī shēng 医生 doctor hù shì 护士 nurse shāng rén 商人 business person l ǜ shī 律师 lawyer f ǎ guān 法官 judge j ǐ ng chá 警察 police officer
Thursday‘s objectives: TSW write the 10 sentences of their project.
Friday objectives: 10 years’ Reunion TSW practice the skit without looking at the skit.