Unit 4 Vocabulary
Midsegment Segments connecting the midpoints of triangles Creates 4 congruent triangles within the triangle
Isosceles Triangles Base side: Base angles:
Centroid POC of the medians
Median Segment connecting the midpoint of a side to the opposite vertex.
Altitude Segment from a vertex that intersects the opposite side at a right angle. “Height”
Orthocenter POC of the altitudes
Constructing Altitude (or a perpendicular line through a point) From the point, make an arc that intersects the line twice. Now bisect the segment you made on the line. Draw in the perpendicular line—remember, it should intersect the point and the two “fish tails”.
Midsegments The midsegment joining the midpoints of two sides are parallel to the 3 rd side of the triangle. They are also half the length of that side.
Regular Polygons Polygons that are equilateral (all sides are congruent) and equiangular (all angles are congruent)
Finding the measure of one angle. Formula:
Exterior Angles Interior and exterior angles are supplementary. I + E = 180 Formula: