G048: Lecture 04 Drawing Gantt Charts Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher www.computechedu.co.uk
Definition A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart which illustrates a project schedule, Gantt charts show the start and finish date of the whole project, as well as the time to be spent on all tasks within the project, They also illustrate dependency – the tasks which need to be completed before others can begin.
Prerequisites Before you attempt to draw your Gantt chart for your project you need to have: A list of the major milestones A breakdown of the tasks to be completed within each milestone Timings given to each task. Task Days Take Pictures Book camera 1 Take pictures of playing instruments Take pictures of different instruments
Drawing The Chart It is possible to draw Gantt charts in Excel but proper software makes it easier, ΤΙΜΙΟΣ Gantt Designer and Gantt Project are both free pieces of software which allows you to do this easily, You simply need to copy your table into the software and it will draw the bars for you.
Hints Start the chart from an appropriate date, Start off with major mile stones and tasks, Spilt tasks down into as many sub tasks as possible – if using Gantt project the tab key will create different levels of task, Use the software to move task bars around to dates when its appropriate to carry out the task – multiple tasks could be carried out on the same day, Good Gantt charts will include lag time between the main milestones to take into account any delays, Use the software to add interdependencies between tasks with rely upon one another.