Objectives and Priority Core Products Target figures The videos The book The Courses Some dates
Objectives and Priority Objectives To promote language learning and linguistic diversity To encourage the best use of results, innovative products and processes and to exchange good practice in the fields covered by the Lifelong Learning Programme, in order to improve the quality of education and training To promote European co-operation in fields covering two or more sub-programmes To promote language learning and support linguistic diversity in Member States Priority Support for partially or fully bilingual education
Clil4U core products 24 CLIL scenarios for primary schools 24 CLIL scenarios for vocational colleges Six CLIL videos CLIL Book Material bank Pre-CLIL language course for content teachers CLIL course for content and language teachers Post CLIL course with language certification
Target figures A minimum of 24 teacher courses have been conducted across the partnership. The CLIL scenarios will have been tested by 120 teachers, 360 pupils 440 students 600 parents of pupils in primary schools 10 newsletters
The CLIL videos Serve as demonstrator of six of the scenarios Act as promotion / awareness raising material Show pupils/students learning a subject through a foreign language English soundtrack Subtitles in Danish, English, Greek, Italian, Maltese, Spanish
CLIL Book/Guide/Manual eBook and.pdf format Describes CLIL practice, advantages, basic theory, and with case examples on how to implement CLIL in the two sectors. Translated versions in the six project languages
CLIL Course Online content and language course Onsite CLIL course with language focus Language course following the CLIL course and leading to certification
All dates/months in the work plan – see Gantt chart Half year reports on activities and finances January 20 th to 25 th Madrid September 29 th to October 3 rd Malta 2015 March 16 th to 22 nd Malta 2015: September 28 th to October 2 nd Madrid 2016: May 30 th to June 3 rd Cyprus Important dates
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