Plan of ILAS-II Validation Experiment Hideaki Nakajima ILAS-II Science Team Leader National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
ILAS-II onboard the ADEOS-II
Main Characteristics of ADEOS-II
Configuration of ILAS-II
Measurement Species of ILAS-II Vertical profiles (ILAS-II: solar occultation sensor) in polar regions (ADEOS-II: sun-synchronous polar orbit) Standard Product: O 3, HNO 3, NO 2, N 2 O, CH 4, H 2 O, aerosol(vis.) Research Product: ClONO 2, N 2 O 5, CFC-12, CFC-11, CO, C 2 H 6, OCS, NO, O 3 (isotope), aerosol(IR), temperature, pressure The following simulated latitudes and local times of the ILAS-II measurements were calculated for the initial condition of ADEOS-II orbit elements on 1 November 2001 available from NASDA: The general feature is the same irrespective of specific years.
Long Term Plan of Balloon Experiments for ILAS-II Validation (Kiruna) No. 1: FY 2003 (TBD) CLD 1, SAKURA 2, MkIV 1, MIPAS 1, daily ozonesondes No. 2: August-September 2005 (TBD) CLD 2, SAKURA 2, other flights, daily ozonesondes No. 3: November-December 2007 (TBD) CLD 2, SAKURA 2, other flights, daily ozonesondes Other satellites: Envisat, SAGE III, POAM III, Odin, ACE, EOS-Aura
Long Term Plan of Balloon Experiments for ILAS-II Validation (Syowa) 1) Ozonsonde 2003KC (Meisei)4Feb. KC (Meisei)20May ECC50Jun.-Sep. (QUOBI) ECC50Nov.-Dec. Optical ozonesonde (up to 45 km) KC (Meisei)24May-Jul., Nov.-Feb. 2005KC (Meisei)24May-Jul., Nov.-Feb. 2) Aerosol particle counter 20032Jan.-Feb TBD 20072TBD 3) Cryogenic sampler 2003 Dec Jan.1 or 2
Launch of ADEOS-II and On-orbit Check Out Plan -Launch of ADEOS-II: Between 10:31-10:47 JST (Japan Standard Time) on Saturday 14 December 2002 Date window: December 2002 Note: The followings will be fixed after the launch. -Initial Check Out of ILAS-II: January *Early Turn On of ILAS-II: 11, 14, 18, 21 February *System Total #1: March *System Total #2 (Start of routine operation of all sensors): 2 April 2003 *ILAS-II measurements over Kiruna will be done.
ADEOS-II ON-ORBIT CHECK OUT PLAN sent from NASDA The launch date is 14 December 2002
(The country in the parenthesis means the country supporting the flight, Gas: He, ) Total: 5 flights Balloon type Recovery CLD1 flight (Japan) 150Z Russia or Finland SAKURA2 flights (Japan) 100Z Russia or Finland MkIV1 flight (Japan) 150Z Russia or Finland MIPAS1 flight (Germany) 150Z Russia or Finland Ozonesonde measurements: About 30 soundings. Raven 500 m 3 daily sounding during the campaign period, by Esrange personnel. List of Flights
Details of each gondola-1 1. CLD(Gondola's PI: Yutaka Kondo) a) CLD(Y. Kondo) NO (->NO2), NOy (->HNO3) b) ASTRID-Grab sampler (Andreas Engel) N2O, CH4, CFC-12, CFC-11 c) ECC Ozonesonde(Y. Kondo) O3 d) Aerosol counter (probably)(Terry Deshler) Aerosol e) CAESR (probably)(Frank J. Murcray) HNO3, O3, CFC11 2. SAKURA(Gondola’s PI: Takakiyo Nakazawa) a) SAKURA-Cryogenic sampler (Instrument's PI: T. Nakazawa & Shuji Aoki) N2O, CH4, CFC-11, CFC-12
Details of each gondola-2 3. MkIV(Gondola's PI: Goeffrey Toon) a) JPL MkIV(G. Toon) CFC-11, CFC-12, HNO3, CH4, N2O, NO2, O3, H2O ClONO2, N2O5 4. MIPAS(Gondola's PI: Gerald Wetzel) a) MIPAS-B(G. Wetzel & Hermann Oelhaf) O3, NO2, HNO3, CH4, N2O, H2O, ClONO2, N2O5, CFC-12, CFC-11, C2H6, NO, temperature
ILAS-II Validation Calendar ILAS-II occultation measurements over Kiruna (67.88N, 21.06E) are calculated. ILAS-II occultation measurement location depends on an orbit parameter of ADEOS-II, i.e., local suntime of descending of the equator crossing of ADEOS-II, which should be set as 10:30 am +/- 15 minutes. A set of the following validation calendar information was calculated for the initial condition of ADEOS-II orbit elements on 1 November 2001 available from NASDA: The general feature is the same irrespective of specific years.
ILAS-II and GOMOS Measurements Collocation
ILAS Validation (Feb.-Mar., 1997) Validation Experiments - Balloon Campaign at Kiruna, Sweden (68 N, 21 E) February - March 1997; 17 large balloon flights Japan:CLD 2, SAKURA 2, France:LPMA 3, RADIBAL 1, AMON 1, ELHYSA 1, SAOZ 4 Germany:MIPAS 2, Triple 1 (Japan: Daily ozonesonde 56) - Balloon Campaign at Fairbanks, Alaska (65 N, 148 W) April - May 1997; 2 large balloon flights USA: MkIV 1, FIRS-2 1 -Other validation experiments ozonesonde, aircraft (Falcon, ER-2 of POLARIS), NDSC, ground-based, (HALOE, SAGE II), etc.
Validation Analysis Results for ILAS Version 5.20 J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres: ILAS Special Section, December 2002 Issue (J. Geophys. Res., Vol.107, No.D24) 14 papers
-Nakajima, H. et al., ILAS Hardware performance -Nakajima, H. et al., Tangent height determination -Yokota, T. et al., ILAS algorithm -Sugita, T. et al., Validation of O 3 -Kanzawa, H. et al., Validation of H 2 O -Kanzawa, H. et al., Validation of CH 4 and N 2 O -Irie, H. et al., Validation of NO 2 and HNO 3 -Choi, W. et al., CH 4 dynamics -Jucks, K. et al., Validation of ILAS using FIRS-2 -Pan, L. et al., Validation of H 2 O using climatology -Saitoh, N. et al., PSC characterization -Terao, S. et al., O 3 depletion using satellite match -Toon, G. C. et al., Validation of ILAS using Mk-IV -Wood, S. W. et al., Validation of ILAS using ground FTS
ILAS-II Web Page ILAS-II Personnel Y. Sasano: PI, Project Leader H. Kobayashi: Sub Leader H. Nakajima: Science Team Leader H. Kanzawa: Validation Team Leader T. Yokota: Algorithm Team Leader