Session 5 Development Planning Calendar Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC 2)
Objectives and Content Objective of Session 5: Training participants understand the Development Planning Calendar. Content: 1. Presentation: Development Planning Calendar 2. Q&A 1
2 Formulation Process of Planning Calendar (1) 1. The PWG prepares a draft Development Planning Calendar. 2. The BOG reviews and comments on the draft Development Planning Calendar. 3. The C/P council reviews and approves of the Development Planning Calendar.
3 Formulation Process of Planning Calendar (2) Sample format of a Development Planning Calendar The development planning calendar above has been approved by the P/C council at ______ meeting on ________. Chairperson of the Provincial/Capital Council
4 Provisional Gantt Chart for the CPDP and CPIP Formulation Please refer to the sample in the handbook: Model Gantt Chart for the CPDP and CPIP Formulation
5 Recommended formulation process The following procedures are recommended for preparing the Development Planning Calendar: 1.Prepare the Gantt Chart for CPDP and CPIP formulation. 2.Check the activities (left column) and add other activities if necessary. 3.Fix the dates of formal meetings that are shown in the Gantt Chart for the CPDP and the CPIP (e.g., “1-1-2 Preparation of tables of situational analysis of the C/P” or “2-3 Integration Workshop of the CPIP”). 4.Draw the line for necessary duration in each activity. 5.Convert the information of the Gantt Chart to the table of the Development Planning Calendar. (A sample format is shown in the previous slide.)
6 Q&A Any questions in relation to the Session 5?
7 Thank You