Rigel Kivi (1), Holger Vömel (2), Franz Immler (2), Terhi Lehtola (3), Niklaus Kämpfer (4), Corinne Straub (4), Vladimir Yushkov (5), Sergey Khaykin (5), Tina Christensen (6), Frank G. Wienhold (7) (1) Arctic Research, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Sodankylä, Finland, (2) Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg / Richard Aßmann Observatory, German Meteorological Service (DWD), Lindenberg, Germany, (3) Vaisala Oy, Helsinki, Finland, (4) Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, (5) Central Aerological Observatory, Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of the Environment (Roshydromet), Dolgoprudny, Russian Federation, (6) Danish Climate Centre, Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, (7) Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland Rigel Kivi, FMI-ARC 21.4.2017
FMI FMI Sodankylä site is currently participating in the EU Lapland Atmosphere-Biosphere Facility (LAPBIAT) Project. Sodankylä site is operated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute Arctic Research Centre (FMI-ARC). Location of the site is 67.4 °N, 26.6 °E, 179 m above mean sea level; WMO station’s number is 02836. Networks: GUAN, GAW, NDACC, GRUAN. Rigel Kivi, FMI-ARC 21.4.2017
From Seidel et al., 2009
Instrument comparisons (water vapor, aerosol) FMI Motivation: Instrument comparisons (water vapor, aerosol) water vapor and Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs) in the polar vortex, sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) Timing: Balloon flights in January-February 2010 and March 2010, remote sensing for January-June 2010 and from September 2010 Rigel Kivi, FMI-ARC 4/21/2017 4
FMI Instruments: 1. Balloon borne sondes (18 +15 payloads altogether; 119+53=172 individual instruments) Vaisala RR01 sonde InterMet sonde Vaisala RS92 GRAW FLASH-B/RS92 CFH/ozonesonde/InterMet/RS80 ETHZ COBALD aerosol sonde BKS aerosol sonde /ozonesonde/RS80 2.Remote sensing MIAWARA-C radiometer (University of Bern); FTIR, GPS, Lidar; Satellite instruments: MLS, IASI, others Rigel Kivi, FMI-ARC 21.4.2017
RR01, Vaisala Reference Radiosonde prototype Vaisala has launched a program to develop an operational reference grade radiosonde for climate studies. Program focuses first on UTLS humidity measurements. This is targeting the needs of GRUAN network. During LAPBIAT campaign in January-March 2010 three different wind shield designs and radiation shield was tested. Comparisons with CFH cryogenic frost point hygrometer. See Lehtola et al., TECO-2010 RS92 radiosonde+DRYCAP® sensor module DRYCAP® capacitive thin film sensor Frost point temperature range -30..-90 °C Operated at constant temperature Response time is not temperature dependent, thus temperature correction is not needed Sensor drift is reduced by autocalibration
RR01, Vaisala reference radiosonde prototype B RR01_16 with radiation shield and RR01_12 without radiation shield Comparison with the CFH
Radiosondes vs. CFH, Troposphere Tropospheric humidity measurements on 20 January 2010 at 15:25 UT over Sodankylä, Finland, using the CFH cryogenic frost point hygrometer, two Vaisala RS92 sensors (marked as sensor “a” and “b”) and the Intermet radiosonde.
RS92 radiosondes vs. CFH, Troposphere
IWV comparisons MIAWARA-C GPS FTS Difference to sonde (%): -0.6 2.9 5.2 Standard deviation (%) : 21.5 14.0 5.5 Number of pairs : 309 293 53
MIAWARA-C, University of Bern, Switzerland Compact 22GHz microwave radiometer for water vapor profiling, Sodankylä observations from 15-January-2010 until 20-June-2010. More details on the instrument in Straub et al., AMTD 2010
PSC temperatures in the Arctic vortex Sodankylä
Evolution of stratospheric water vapour during January 2010
CFH Sonde, MLS CFH Sonde (black line), MLS (red line)
Summary: 1. Instrument tests and comparisons FMI Summary: 1. Instrument tests and comparisons Vaisala reference sonde RR01 tested under Arctic conditions InterMet sonde, Graw, RS92 sonde comparisons with Cryogenic Frostpoint Hygrometer (CFH) and Fluorescent Advanced Stratospheric Hygrometer (FLASH) COBALD/BKS observations MIAWARA-C, FTIR, GPS, MLS
FMI 2. PSCs and water vapor formation of distinct dehydration layer at 20-24 km with H2O reduction of up to 1.2 ppmv formation of rehydration layer at 18- 21 km with H2O enhancement up to 1.1 ppmv redistribution of water vapor within 18-24 km with ice particles having sedimented 2 km down Acknowledgement: LAPBIAT Lapland Atmosphere-Biosphere Facility Improving the Human Research Potential and the Socio-Economic Knowledge Base
Thank you ! Rigel Kivi, FMI-ARC 21.4.2017 18
References Lehtola, T., P. Survo, H. Turtiainen, R. Kivi (2010), Application of Vaisala Drycap® Sensor in Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Humidity Measurements, Upper-Air and Remote Sensing Observations of Water Vapor. WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECO-2010), Helsinki, Finland, 30 August - 1 September 2010. Straub, C., A. Murk, and N. Kaempfer (2010), MIAWARA-C, a new ground based water vapor radiometer for measurement campaigns, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 3, 2389-2432, doi:10.5194/amtd-3-2389-2010.