Food Allergies and Intolerance
Food Allergies A food allergy is the body having an allergic reaction to a food or an ingredient in a food. An ALLERGEN is the substance in the food which causes the reaction Their body thinks the food isn’t safe and releases chemicals like histamines to deal with it. An allergic reaction to food can happen within a few seconds, minutes or hours after eating or touching a food . It can cause the person to have system such as : Skin Rashes Itchy skin and eyes Runny Nose Swollen Lips, eye lids and face Wheezing or coughing Some people can have a severe allergic reaction known as ANAPHYLATIC SHOCK which causes the body to go into shock, with the person developing swelling in their throat and mouth , find it difficult to swallow or speak and in rare cases the person may collapse and can die, if not treated very quickly by a doctor. The most common allergies are to milk, eggs, nuts, seeds fish, shellfish, strawberries, soya and wheat..
Food Intolerance Some people have to restrict their diet because their bodies react badly to certain types of food. We call this food intolerance. Which gives them a variety of system such as: Pain and bloating in the abdomen Diarrhoea Nausea Muscle and joint aches and pains. General tiredness and weakness. Food intolerance is much harder to diagnose than food allergy. The usual way is for the person to stop eating the food that is thought to be the problem and see if their symptoms improve An example of food intolerance is LACTOSE INTOLERANCE where a person cannot digest the milk sugar lactose. This gets broken down by bacteria in the large intestine instead which causes abdominal pain. Some people cannot tolerate chocolate or cheese because these foods give them migraines. Other people cannot tolerate certain foods because it gives them asthma, nausea , unable to concentrate and become hyperactive.
Managing Food Allergies and Intolerances Once someone knows which foods they are allergic or intolerant to ,they can make sure they avoid them People who are likely to have an anaphylactic shock should always carry an epipen which they can inject into their arm or leg if they feel a reaction happening. The epipen injects adrenaline into the body which acts quickly to stop blood vessels leaking, relaxes muscles in the lungs to make breathing easier, helps the heart beat and helps stop the swelling in the face and lips. The person must be taken to hospital very quickly. People with these conditions need to do the following: Read food labels most food labels show whether they contain certain ingredients, although names can often be hidden eg. Another word for peanut is ground nut often used in ready meals Ask in a restaurant what is in the food , as often food which can cause an allergic reaction are prepared in the same place as other foods. Let friends colleagues employers know in case they take ill and they should know where the epi pen is kept and how to inject. Contact food manufactures and supermarkets and ask for a list of products that contain foods that can cause an allergy