Future Tense
The future tense expresses what will happen. The word “will” is added to the infinitive by adding the future tense endings You already know 1 way to form the future tense ir a + infinitive: going to…
Future Tense Endings é emos ás XXXXXXXXXXXX áán -ar,-er, -ir verbs all have the same set of endings just add the endings to the end of the infinitive
Examples: I will run Correré You will read Leerás Shu will swim Nadará We will be… Seremos They will work trabajarán
Irregular Future Tense Verbs These verbs have the same endings as regular future tense verbs, but the infinitive changes Poner=pondr Tener = tendr Salir = saldr Venir = vendr Poder = podr Saber = sabr Haber = habr Querer = querr Hacer = har Decir = dir
Examples: I will be able to… Podré They will come… Vendrán Shu will tell… Dirá You will leave.. Saldrás We will have… Tendremos They will put… Pondrán Shu will do/make Hará You will know… Sabrás We will want… Querremos *There will be… Habrá