Lender Partnership Program
The Program Make Money as Our Partner in 2 Ways Earn 1% of property purchase price by referring us clients that cannot qualify for financing. Additionally, you then earn your fees when the property is resold and financing on property is offered through you, the preferred lender. Earn your fees on loans you provide for purchasers of our other “easy to market” properties
Who We Are MY COMPANY is the area’s leading home-buying company. MY COMPANY buys properties directly from people quickly using a no-hassle approach. MY COMPANY purchases properties at 65-70% of market value. Settlements can be completed in as little as 7 days. The company offers an online resource for sellers of properties at After purchasing properties, MY COMPANY delivers a quality renovated or “as-is” property to the real estate consumer at 5-10% below market value. The company hosts an online sales center at where interested parties can obtain detailed property information on all houses for sale and receive updates on newly available properties. The company handles all of it’s transactions through a dedicated settlement group to ensure the sale transaction is completed quickly and with limited issues. The company handsomely incentivizes it’s partners in assisting with the purchase and sale of it’s properties.
What We Offer – Sellers ( People Who Can’t Qualify for Your Financing) Quick and hassle free sale of the property directly to us We purchase properties AS-IS, saving them hassles and worries associated with realtor and the difficult housing market Specialists in the needs of quick sales. Our team specializes in foreclosures, bankruptcies, estates, and other specialized needs of sellers – we handle all the details necessary in these types of situations. We purchase the property when they want us to – they specify the timeframe and the settlement date Team of Specialists to handle all paperwork and walk Sellers through the “Selling” Process. Easily Accessible Information about our team and the company via the website Your provide the sellers the next best solution to your financing by referring them to our team. You then get paid on providing financing to the buyers of these properties when we sell them.
What We Offer – Buyers (People who finance purchases with your products) Houses priced well below market value. Quality properties in one of two ways: As-Is: Property typically needs $25,000-$100,000 in renovation work. MY COMPANY provides the buyers of it’s properties a detailed breakdown of the renovation work and associated costs. These properties are priced 10% below market value and the price reflects the scope of renovation work. Renovated: Top to bottom, quality renovation by professionals. Our construction team uses higher end products and craftsmanship when completing houses for sale. These houses are priced to sell 5-10% below market value. Easily Accessible Information and Pictures via online property center at Team of Specialists to handle all paperwork and walk Buyers through the “Buying” Process.
What We Offer - You, Our Partner Resource for your clients who can’t qualify for loans – we will buy their house and give you 1% of the purchase price for the referral. Additionally, you will then receive fees on the loans you provide to the buyers of these properties, once we resell them. Most attractive properties on the market (priced below competitor housing with additional concessions) for you to advertise with your financing products. Ability to build your own profit center. Co-branding and marketing support to help attract buyers of your product to MY COMPANY NAME properties.
How it Works – Referring Sellers Qualification of Applicant Identify the applicant is not a fit for financing Introduction of Opportunity Determine if applicant has interest and ability to sell the house as option. Refer Property to MY COMPANY Contact MY COMPANY with applicant and property details. Due Diligence and Follow-up MY COMPANY follows up with applicant and performs due diligence on property to determine purchase offer. Purchase Date On the day of purchase settlement for successful referrals MY COMPANY makes payment to you in amount of 1% of property purchase price. Sale of Property When MY COMPANY resells the property, attractive financing is offered through you, the lender of choice for the property.
How it Works – Recruiting Buyers Marketing of Opportunity Operations Marketing of Properties Getting the Buyer and Closing Transaction
How it Works – Recruiting Buyers Marketing of Opportunity 1. Partner works with MY COMPANY on bi-weekly basis conducting workshops on “How to Buy a Home with no money down” or selected “Weekend Liquidation” Events. 2. Partner pre-screens and qualifies “applicants” and keeps database to market to when MY COMPANY properties become available.
How it Works Operations 1. MY COMPANY prepares property for sale. 2. MY COMPANY notifies Partner of property particulars (price, area, selling points, etc.) through professional flyer. Example Flyer on slide to follow. 3. Partner prepares loan program to make property most attractive ( $0 down, $X per month, I/O). 4. Partner wraps in associated profit center (points, fees, etc.). The average buyer simply wants to know: "How much down, how much per month", and pays no real attention to the "sticker-price". -Lonnie Scruggs
Example Property Flyer
How it Works Marketing of Properties to BUYERS 1. Partner markets the “Newly Available Property” to Applicants in database. 2. Partner markets through additional sources to potential buyers. 3. MY COMPANY markets the “0 Down, $X per month” in all of it’s promotional literature about the property to it’s buyer database. 4. MY COMPANY markets open house to Partner Applicants and buyer database. 5. MY COMPANY markets house availability to Renters in local area of property.
How it Works Getting the Buyer and Closing Transaction 1. MY COMPANY or Partner source a buyer. A. If Buyer is sourced by MY COMPANY and is presented to Partner for financing, MY COMPANY is entitled to agreed % of point/fee charge of loan. B. If Buyer is sourced by Partner, Partner is entitled to full point/fee charge of loan.
Goals of the Program Purchase properties from Sellers who cannot qualify for financing. (My Company) Provide continuous revenue stream through financing of properties MY COMPANY sells. ( Partner) Grow prospect database for future business. (Partner) Find Buyers for MY COMPANY properties without the use of real estate agents as quickly as possible. (My Company) Ensure no-hassle financing and closing on all property purchases. (My Company and Partner) Establish and grow profitable partnership. (My Company and Partner)
Contact If interested in learning more about our partner program and working with MY COMPANY, please direct inquiries to: MY NAME