Partners in Learning The WW Initiative Vincent Quah Regional Academic Programs Manager Asia Pacific
Partners in Learning Agenda Situation analysis Partners in Learning overview Microsoft’s commitment COTF Fly-Through Summary
Partners in Learning Education changes lives, families, communities, and ultimately, nations/countries/territories Despite real improvements in access to, and use of, information and communication technology (ICT) around the world, many students and teachers still lack basic access to technology and training The result is a widening ICT skills gap that contributes to disparities in quality of life, competitiveness, and economic development Situation Analysis
Partners in Learning 9 Critical Components Of Education ICT Strategy
Partners in Learning Partners In Learning: Changing LivesAccess Support Curriculum Integration Content Teacher Training Digital Literacy for All Improved Quality of Life Educated Competitive Workforce Access Partners in Learning – Fresh Start for Donated PCs Partners in Learning – School Agreement Capacity Building Partners in Learning - Grants
Partners in Learning An initiative that provides for a significant investment including more than $253 million worldwide over five years and dramatically reduces the cost of Microsoft’s core educational desktop software –Started in July 2003 –Global in scope and local in implementation -> 101 countries and territories engaged –Reached 8.9 M educators/students of which 3.3 M are from APAC –979K desktops covered through Fresh Start –More than 80K students taken assessments/certifications –Trained more than 980K teachers/leaders, of which 183K are from APAC Partners in Learning Overview
Partners in Learning As a global technology company with a global workforce, Microsoft recognizes that improving education and broadening access to technology are important social and economic goals for many countries Microsoft has been helping communities address these challenges for more than 10 years, working within the educational community to foster greater understanding of, and access to, technology tools and training More than just a one time give-away of technology, Partners in Learning is a long-term commitment from Microsoft to partner with governments, local schools, and teachers to establish a foundation for continued advances in education and learning Microsoft’s Commitment
Partners in Learning Testimonials from Teachers in India Absenteeism has reduced. -Ahtisam Mirza I had never touched mouse before but after this training now I can make a web site -P.C. Chauhan IT has increased the logical ability of students. -Yogendra Rawat Dropouts have gone down. -Supriya Bahukhandi Associating technology with teaching has made the teaching and learning process easy. -S.P. Purohit (Principal)
Partners in Learning ICT Innovation for Teachers and Students Program for Chinese Primary Schools Establish a continuous ICT professional development program for teachers to improve teaching and learning using ICT in classroom Introduce innovative ways for teachers to increase their usage of the ICT in classrooms Improve teachers’ ability to deliver effective and exciting project-based learning activities Target to complete training 20,000 teachers in 2 years Benefits Benefits Population: 1200 primary schools; 26,000 teachers; 630,000 students Approx 400 schools with minimum 1 computer lab with 50 PCs Some of these 400 schools use a simple student administration system and multimedia T&L materials provided by two main partners – CSS Management Sdn Bhd and Dynabook Sdn Bhd. Due to heavy work load, teachers depend on multimedia T&L materials., There is less initiative for teachers to explore use of computer applications that might encourage innovative use of technology for personal or t&l. Some teachers have participated in the Basic ICT Skills training provided by MoE but many do not practice the skills due to lack of necessity and motivation. Challenge Partner with CSS Management who has strong relationship with MoE to launch the ICT Innovation for Teachers and Students Program, consisting of a professional development program which includes: Basic ICT Literacy Training Project-Based Learning empowerICT Program Peer Coaching Program Leadership Program for Headmasters and Introduction to Student Help Desk, a computer troubleshooting and technical training designed for 10 – 12 years old students Programmatically roll out training with trials, pilots and state-by-state implementation in close partnership with CSS and MoE “The Program pilot results have been very positive and we’re very pleased to recognise the participation of Microsoft with the government to drive greater digital literacy.” Dato Hon Choon Kim, Deputy Minister of Education - Dato Hon Choon Kim, Deputy Minister of Education Insert partner or customer logo Solution
Partners in Learning 49,534* donated PCs from more than 1,500 schools licensed through Fresh Start for Donated Computer 422,000 students reached and 7,522* teachers trained plus 4,000 teachers to be trained in June, to mark 10,000 teachers trained milestone in FY05 13 curricula developed locally with Office of Basic Education Commission * As of April 30, 2005 PiL-Thailand at a Glance
Partners in Learning Backpack.NET Eco System Classroom of the Future Developer Community Education R&D Pilots & Trials
Partners in Learning Classroom of the Future
Partners in Learning A global initiative providing for a sustained investment to address local education priorities and making software accessible to schools who need it and who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford it Broadens the use of technology and training in schools and helps create connections and dialogue among teachers, educational experts, and education policy-makers A significant step toward modernizing school technology and providing training and access for students and teachers in preparation for today’s competitive high-tech economy Summary Partners in Learning supports our long-term vision for improving the quality of education, giving teachers and students the technology and training tools to achieve their fullest potential.
Partners in Learning