Multiple Sclerosis Short synopsis Ross Bills 11/2/06
Pathology Demyelination (loss of white matter) within CNS/Spinal Cord Myelin sheath degenerates, fat-granule cells and lymphocytes in perivascular spaces, sclerotic plaque later (shrunken, greyish to naked eye) Single/multiple lesions Multiple sites present confusing clinical picture Clinical findings dependant on sites
Aetiology Complex Geography - temperate climates more than tropical, but if people move regardless of genetic background they carry the risk of where they grow up Familial - familial - 5% Precipitants - complex, infection including influenza, pregnancy puerperium and lactation, allergy, surgery, trauma Biochemical - Myelin 75% lipids, 25% proteins, enzymes that break down the protein have been found at edges of plaques, low dietary intake of polyunsaturated fats in areas where incidence is higher? Immunological - demyelinating antibody found in plaque which acts on glial cells? Viral - increased incidence of high antibody titres to measles, mumps, vaccinia and herpes simplex Allergic - some animal studies showed similar pathology.
Presentation Age years at onset (12-60 not unheard of) 1:2000 in England and Wales 19,000+ patients in Australia No sex bias One of the commonest neurological conditions
Types of MS Relapsing Remitting Progressive Relapsing Secondary Progressive These terms describe the pattern of the disease over time.
Clinical Two presentations Single or several focal lesions worsening over a short time - settling over 1 to 2 weeks Visual changes (optic neuritis) Numbness or weakness of a limb, face Bladder symptoms Insidious onset slowly progressive, classically weakness of one or both lower limbs Remission may see signs improve or vanish
Symptoms There is no set pattern to MS and everyone with MS has a different set of symptoms, which vary from time to time and can change in severity and duration, even in the same person. The systems commonly affected include: vision co-ordination Strength sensation speech and swallowing bladder control sexuality cognitive function Fatigue l
Value of the history Because of the variability of signs and symptoms the history is all important - there may be NO clinical signs Only later after several attacks may the signs become more permanent More acute onset: Pallor of the optic disc (unilateral) Slight unilateral nystagmus Slight intention tremor Changes in abdominal or tendon reflexes, extensor plantar response (Babinski) Insidious onset: Predominantly spinal signs Spastic paraplegia Sensory including vibration sense changes, position sense changes Spastic or ataxic gait
Investigation 1 Investigate to exclude other causes: Differential Diagnosis Spinal Cord Compression Cervical Spondylosis Hereditary Ataxias Tabes Dorsalis Vitamin Deficiency (B12) Psychological/Psychiatric Disorders Others
Investigation 2 Old: Lumbar puncture looking for abnormal proteins, monoclonal bands (oligoclonal IgG) Ongoing: Visual evoked responses, (2/3 of people with clinical MS and no visual symptoms had abnormal VER) Auditory evoked responses, (May show changes in brainstem lesions) Best: MRI Scan defines demyelinated lesions very well
Prognosis Such a variable course The prognosis becomes clear only after observing the patient over time Rapidly Progressive versus Exacerbations with remissions of variable time (up to 20 years and more)
Treatment 1 In the absence of curative treatment patient education and support is vital Bladder disorders are common Probanthine improves bladder control Fatigue and tiredness are common Exercise and activity within achievable levels has been shown to be beneficial Muscle spasm and spasticity Baclofen may help, physiotherapy, exercise Specific Dietary Measures may be of little value Avoidance of animal fat led to reduction in polyunsaturated fatty acids, B12 injections only useful if there is a deficiency
Treatment 2 Does anything help? In the past IV methylprednisolone infusions over five days showed some benefits in reducing length of exacerbations and severity - still used. Dexamethasone also used Oral steroids may also be useful (Prednisolone) No real benefits with long term steroids Azothioprine and other immunosuppressants showed little value in relatively benign cases, where side effects outweighed benefits Psychological Support may be beneficial in terms of CBT to assist in coping strategies, and also in the treatment of the often present co-morbid depression of chronic disease
Treatment 3 Newer Options: Interferon has been shown to reduce recurrences and degree of disability in people who have the exacerbation/remission pattern of MS Side effects can be severe - injection site reactions, flu like symptoms, fatigue, headache, muscle and joint pains Interferon beta-1a (Avonex) Interferon beta-1b (Rebif) Interferon beta-1b (Betaferon)
Treatment 4 Newer Options: Methotrexate may have some benefits, but these need to be weighed against the serious side effects The benefits found were not statistically significant. This raises an obvious evidence based medicine question? Refer to Cochrane database.
Treatment 5 Newest: Mitoxantrone (MX) [Immunosupressive drug] Has shown benefits in short term treatment of MS Side effects are significant, and limit its use to those with evidence for significantly worsening disability Amennorhea, nausea, vomiting, alopecia, UTI’s, transitory leucopenia in the short term Cardiotoxicity, therapy related acute leukaemias in the longer term Copaxone (glatiramer acetate) Hippocrates: “First do no harm!” Bills: “If the cure is worse than the disease, then let the patient decide to have the disease!”
Treatment 6 Alternative Therapies Supplements and vitamins - no scientific support Fatty Acids - may have a modest effect in slowing progression, reducing severity and duration of exacerbations Diets - a balanced diet may do no good, but will do no harm. No evidence for value of “fad diets” Removal of old “mercury amalgam” fillings - no evidence Acupuncture - may have psychological benefits, no influence on course of disease. Relief of pain and muscle spasm nay be a real benefit though. Yoga/Meditation - again, psychological benefits, no influence on course of disease Hyperbaric Oxygen - no effect on course of disease
Limitations We don’t understand the cause, we have limited treatment options, and the things we do have an enormous potential to make the patient’s life worse More than ever this is the sort of case where we should educate and involve the patient in the clinical decision making process In general practice it is necessary to remember the need to consider all the other aspects of the patient’s life about which we can do things. If there is a teaching point in this sort of case, it is that Humility is far better than Hubris