Powerpoint Jeopardy Geography & Religion AchievementsPoliticsEconomicsSocial Structure
What flows from Mongolia to the Pacific Ocean? The Huang He River
Who taught that people should put family and community need above their own? Confucius
How did China’s geography affect its development? It was isolated by the mountains, deserts and seas. It developed independently from other cultures.
What did people in Shang China believe influence their lives? Gods, spirits, and ancestors.
Confucianism and Daoism developed partially in response to ________? The period of Warring States which was a time of unrest and violence.
What did Qin build and extend to keep out the Xiongnu?? The Great Wall of China
What Chinese inventions allowed soldiers to fight on horseback? Saddles and stirrups
The invention of acupuncture was due in part to ________? Stability during the Han dynasty
What allowed China’s population to go from 20 million people to 60 million people? Inventions during the Zhou dynasty: Iron plow, irrigation systems, shovel, hoe
What were the benefits of the iron plow? It led to increases in: –trade, –the population, –The amount of land farmed
Who ruled over the Huang He valley? The Shang Dynasty
What warring states ruler used a large cavalry force to conquer other states and set up a new dynasty? Emperor Qin
What beliefs did the Zhou dynasty have about their leaders? They believed kings were chosen by heavenly law.
Who drove the Xiongnui back into the Gobi? Han Wudi
Who made sure that Government officials did their jobs? Censors
What was a network of trade routes that extended from china to southwest Asia The Silk Road
What was exported out of China via the Silk Road? Silk, tea, gold, spices, teakwood
Why did Chinese farmers need to produce many crops on small amounts of land? The deserts and mountains could not be farmed.
What is the Silk Road? It was a network of trade routes that extended form China to southwest Asia.
When Zhang Qian explored the route for the Silk Road, which empire impressed him the most? The Roman empire.
What requires children to respect their parents and older relatives? Filial Piety
What did the Chinese practice of filial piety indicate? Respect to parents, elders, but women had few rights
Who was the founder of Daoism whose name means “the Old Master”? Laozi
Who was at the top, middle, and bottom of China’s social pyramid? Top: aristocrats Middle: farmers Bottom: merchants A F M
Why are merchants at the bottom of the Social structure? They didn’t produce things for the benefit of the society.