manageallpaid search efficiently effectively The right technology to manage all of your paid search campaigns efficiently and effectively across major engines and markets. The Total Paid Search Management Solution
Search technology built by search specialists for search specialists Proven technology with 6+ years and over 120,000 hours of development Local language & support in 7 countries across the US, Europe & Asia $300+mm of PPC business managed globally 98% client retention rate World-Class Paid Search Management Technology From Eyeblaster Partnered With One Of The World’s First Search Engine Campaign Management Systems – BidBuddy
Comprehensive PPC Technology Delivers Better Results and Centralized Control Over All Campaigns Fully-Automated Bid Management to Effectively Compete Granular control of campaign budget in line with CPA and ROI targets Campaign pausing and non-stop optimization Comprehensive, “At-a-Glance” Visibility into All Live Campaigns Manage all campaigns across all engines in one place Allows for quick, easy decision making and efficient use of time Stand-Alone Offering or Integrated with Eyeblaster’s Display Ad Server Flexibility to manage both search and display as separate channels or as one comprehensive online campaign Integrated tracking and reporting provides greater insight and total control
Ability to add offline sales data Gain a complete picture of true conversion of activity More accurate measurement of CPA and ROI Advanced keyword research tool Keyword de-duplication, removal of negative keywords, Thesaurus, misspelling suggestions and multiple stage interrogation Find more specifically relevant, less expensive keywords Efficiently expand targeting and reach, lower CPA, greater ROI Weighted click optimization and conversion path reporting Better understand the relative value of keywords in user conversion path Superior visibility allows more effective campaign management Assign greater value to keywords in conversion path Integrated tracking and reporting with ACM Comprehensive PPC Technology Secret Weapons
& Support Officially approved API connections to Google, Yahoo! & MSN Proprietary redirect tracking system provides near 100% data accuracy Configurable for multi-level security – control access as required Integrate with 3 rd Party Databases Can be customized & white labelled to carry agency brand Zero Client Install, browser based 99% system up-time, 24/7/365 monitoring On site training and account set-up Account manager assigned for day-to-day support System Comprehensive PPC Technology Nuts & Bolts
Competitive Landscape Key players and services Fully Integrated Display and Search Doubleclick & Atlas Tools and agency services Stand Alone Search Tools Many smaller players Tools only, shades of gray SEM Agencies with Tech Efficient Frontier, DidIt, iProspect Competitive for clients Web Analytics Technologies Omniture Coming on strong
Traditional Branding Agencies Many managing or looking into managing search for clients The larger the agency, the more likely they have a dedicated search department Most do not have their own search management technology SEM Agencies Focus entirely on Search Most offer SEO and PPC services The larger the company, the more likely that they have their own proprietary technology Advertiser In-House Many direct response advertisers manage Search in-house Some larger companies have their own proprietary technology Many use 3rd party tools Many brand advertisers handle keyword and creative but outsource bid management and ROI optimization Market for Paid Search Technology Opportunities and Issues
Market for Paid Search Technology Opportunities and Issues Integrated/Branding Agencies ACM + Valuing integrated tools Entrenched technology Structure changing Long sales cycle SEM Agencies only Open to evaluation Need tools Brand Advertisers ACM and/or In-house vs. agency RM awareness a + Entrenched technology Long sales cycle DR Advertisers ACM and/or Open to evaluation No RM value
How does Search help all sales, and… what can you do to help? All Boats Rise Search capabilities and innovative new means to support our clients always makes us look great as a company Helps sell all EB products Search team generates leads for Display sales Integrated Opportunities Are potentially the largest GroupM/Outrider example Sweet Spots Mid-sized integrated agencies Independent Mid-sized to large SEM agencies Large DR advertisers Large brand advertisers
How does Search help all sales, and… what can you do to help? Qualifying Agency Questions and Helpful Info Gathering Does the agency manage paid search for their clients? Which clients? If not, are they working with an SEM agency? Is there a separate search team, group or subsidiary or is search managed by the media team? Does the agency currently use one or multiple technologies to help manage paid search? If so, which ones? In-house tech? Approximate monthly spend and/or clicks? What are the agencies plans to grow search biz? Who heads up search and who makes decisions about search management tech? Same person (people) as for display?
Powerful Tools and Features The Total Paid Search Management Solution One comprehensive solution - fully loaded with tools and innovative features to quickly help you manage accounts, understand campaign activity and generate better results.
A Single Interface To Manage Search Engine Campaigns And Accounts Powerful Features and Reports Direct top level access to all accounts
A Single Interface To Manage Search Engine Campaigns And Accounts Quick, easy access to campaign and account information and settings Edit search engine account settings Set account timings (auto-pause) Download engine account info Edit account info
A Single Interface To Manage Search Engine Campaigns And Accounts Ad group level drill-down; upload and edit listings through the interface Upload and edit creative Upload keywords and URLs
Keyword Research Tool Allows For Additional Keywords, Misspellings And Synonyms, While De-Duping Against Existing Words Access keyword databases specific to a local market
Keyword Research Tool Allows For Additional Keywords, Misspellings And Synonyms, While De-Duping Against Existing Words Advanced search Thesaurus and keyword misspellings
Automated Bidding Strategies: CPA/ROI Bids Manages Keywords To A CPA/ROI Target On The Campaign or Keyword Level Choice between CPA or ROI managed strategies Manage to targets by individual keyword or for the whole group Set minimum traffic thresholds before automated strategies apply Apply specific time ranges for data analysis used for optimization
Use the weighted click center to set % of conversion value for each click in the customer’s path to conversion. Solution: Choose to attribute the conversion to: Number of clicks/impressions history you want to track (between 2 and 5) More accurate ROI data = Smarter optimization. Benefit: Customers arrive at your site from a variety of different engines and times. Tracking conversions from only the first or last click does not provide true accounting of keyword contributions and values, putting your analysis and optimization at a disadvantage. Weighted Click Center More Accurate Analysis Of Keywords Contributing To Conversion
Amend Order Functionality Closes The Gap Between Online And Offline Conversions For more accurate ROI and optimization, add offline conversions associated with a PPC campaign, and remove conversions where the online sales value is invalid (returns, bad charges, etc.)
Eyeblaster’s new unified tracking and reporting provides insight to the correlation and true value of search and display activity - allowing for maximum control and optimization of the entire campaign. Search & Display Integrated Marketing The Total Paid Search Management Solution
According to recent studies, users exposed to both display and search advertising converted at a higher average rate than users who were exposed only to one channel advertising Measuring results from each channel individually without realizing potential synergies between these channels can shortchange optimization By integrating search and display channel reporting, you can save time, reduce complexity and increase ROI potential for your entire digital campaign Integrating Search And Display Advertising Why Is It Important To You Search & Display Integration
Eyeblaster Makes Integrated Marketing Easy Key Advantages Eliminate double counting of conversion Eliminate double counting of conversion Eyeblaster’s unified post-activity tracking system gives a clear picture of the customer’s journey across search and display ensures proper publisher credit Eyeblaster analytics give you the advantage Eyeblaster analytics give you the advantage Use unified, integrated tools designed to maximize campaign performance Cross channel comparison Cross channel comparison Enables you to view a search and display campaign overview in one report More accurate ROI More accurate ROI Track historic events (clicks/impressions) in the user’s path to conversion Search & Display Integration
Day 1 Day 5 Day 10 Day 15 DISPLAY Tracking System SEARCH Tracking System Google credited with full conversion 4a Yahoo credited with full conversion 4b Mr. Smith buys shoes at Joe’s online store 3 Mr. Smith clicks Ad for Joe’s Shoes 2 Mr. Smith searched for Joe’s Shoes 1 Challenge: Double-counting of conversions made through search and display tracking systems makes it difficult to determine which event is responsible for conversion. CAMPAIGN Integrated Post-event Tracking De-duplication
Solution: Using a unified tracking system and unified tags help determine which event is responsible for conversion. Only Yahoo credited for conversion 4 UNIFIED Tracking System CAMPAIGN Day 1 Day 5 Day 10 Day 15 Mr. Smith clicks Ad for Joe’s Shoes 2 Mr. Smith searched for Joe’s Shoes 1 Unified Tag Mr. Smith buys shoes at Joe’s online store 3 Integrated Post-event Tracking De-duplication
Unified tags provide clear insights into customer path to conversion, simplify advertisers’ website tagging and ensure proper credit. Benefit: Only Yahoo credited for conversion 4 UNIFIED Tracking System CAMPAIGN Day 1 Day 5 Day 10 Day 15 Mr. Smith clicks Ad for Joe’s Shoes 2 Mr. Smith searched for Joe’s Shoes 1 Unified Tag Mr. Smith buys shoes at Joe’s online store 3 Path to conversion Ensure Proper Credit Simplify website tagging Integrated Post-event Tracking De-duplication
Compare CPA for each advertising channel View search and display in one report Measure conversion rate across channels Understand overall ROI between search and display. Unified ROI Reporting Across Display and search Clear, measurable visibility into cross channel performance
Customers arrive at a site from a variety of different engines and display publishers and at different times. Tracking interactions with only the first or last click or impression and for only one channel offers extremely limited ability to accurately evaluate overall campaign performance. Marketers are currently unable to value the contribution of more than one event that assists in generating a conversion. Choose to contribute the conversion to: Number of clicks/impressions history you want to track (between 2 and 5) Unified Weighted Click Center Integrated Analysis Of Every Event Contributing To Conversion
CAMPAIGN Day 1 Day 5 Day 10 Day 15 UNIFIED Tracking System By using the weights center, you can view the customer journey, from display and search channels, and by properly attributing contribution to a completed transaction. SALE! Car Insurance 2 4 New Jersey Car Insurance Car Insurance Quote 3 Display Ad 1 Challenge: You might lower bids on terms you didn’t think were working, and only optimizing without regard to the affect of a parallel channel, losing traffic, spend and sales. Solution: Display PPCSE Unified Weighted Click Center Integrated Analysis Of Every Event Contributing To Conversion
CAMPAIGN Day 1 Day 5 Day 10 Day 15 UNIFIED Tracking System 40% 10% 40% SALE! Car Insurance 2 4 New Jersey Car Insurance Car Insurance Quote 3 Display Ad 1 Benefit: Visibility into the contribution of revenue of each event. Unified Weighted Click Center Integrated Analysis Of Every Event Contributing To Conversion
Problem If only the first or last clicks/impressions are weighted, it would seem that Yahoo had no contribution to the final sale in either Joe or Bob’s case. Combined Revenue For Each Publisher By Last Click And Weighted One click only 100% $0 $100 Total conversions$200 Comprehensive Cross-Channel Analysis Unified Weighted ROI Report
Solution: But with a weighted report, it’s clear that all three publishers contributed to the total sale at some point of the cycle. Combined Revenue For Each Publisher By Last Click And Weighted One click onlyWeightedDifference 100% 1 st click/imp. (20%) 2 nd click/imp. (80%) $0$20+ $20 $100 $0 $100$80- $20 Total conversions$200 Comprehensive Cross-Channel Analysis Unified Weighted ROI Report
More accurate ROI means better optimization per publisher and per ad. Benefit: Combined Revenue For Each Publisher By Last Click And Weighted One click onlyWeightedDifference 100% 1 st click/imp. (20%) 2 nd click/imp. (80%) $0$20+ $20 $100 $0 $100$80- $20 Total conversions$200 Comprehensive Cross-Channel Analysis Unified Weighted ROI Report
This report has the same structure as the unified ROI report, and you can drill down to an ad/keyword level. More accurate ROI means better optimization per publisher and per ad Comprehensive Cross-Channel Analysis Unified Weighted ROI Report
You all rock. Thanks for your patience and your help. Now go sell something!