Introduction An innovative program in local High Schools to educate students about key topics of Sustainable Development. Introductions… Icebreaker/name game… This ppt… Ask for feedback on the training schedule… (more learning for them, or more practical for them to use in class) Ask questions about their expectations… their expected challenges… Copenhagen consensus and lead that onto values…
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? What is the program? Aim: To inspire action towards a sustainable future, through facilitating an educational experience amongst students helping them understand key values which a sustainable society is based upon. not just a lecture not just knowledge Teaching about sustainability emphasises critical and creative thinking, problem solving, decision making, analysis, co-operative learning, leadership, and communication skills.
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? What is the program? Objectives: Chinese students learn more about Sustainable Development in China and globally, and improve their English International students come to China and learn more about Sustainable Development in China Chinese students and International students learn more about each other’s culture and perspectives Introduce non-rote forms of learning into schools (Company employees learn, develop their skills and) give back
How does the program make an impact? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? How does the program make an impact? Raise awareness so students know WHAT the issues are
How does the program make an impact? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? How does the program make an impact? Increase this knowledge (see here for list of topics) beyond the basics so students understand WHY the issue exists
How does the program make an impact? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? How does the program make an impact? Relate the knowledge to the students lives and the real world, so students understand HOW these issues affect them and wider society
How does the program make an impact? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? How does the program make an impact? Explore WHICH behaviours and actions create and solve the issues. Explore WHICH behaviours and actions create and solve the issues. Promote these values:
How does the program make an impact? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? How does the program make an impact? Students become WILLING to create a sustainable society
How does the program make an impact? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? How does the program make an impact? Create opportunities to ACT and make society more sustainable
How does the program make an impact? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? How does the program make an impact? This is important because this is not just a ‘normal class’. The content is designed to look at issues from different perspectives; to look at ‘why’ problems exist, ‘how’ solutions can help etc. For example, promoting the values: Respect: for different people, environment etc Interdependence: how things are connected and depend on other things etc Equality: why people suffer/benefit and others don’t Responsibility: how individuals (the students) can help, now or in the future This is not difficult, but it is a different approach to just teaching students information that they learn. Students need to THINK –as do the volunteers running the classes!
How does the program work? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? How does the program work? AIESEC recruits participating schools AIESEC recruits volunteers from overseas Company volunteers confirm availability Schools confirm timetables: BJ & TJ=1 class per day for 2-3 wks, each school (repeated 2 more times over next 4-6 wks) SH =1 class per week for 12 wks (different day of week each school. 3 schools simultaneously) Plan and other NGOs provide training to volunteers as and when required Schools and volunteers are matched Up and volunteers give classes Program impact is measured and stakeholders participate in an Impact day at the end of the semester to evaluate the program and prepare for the next semester
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? Who’s involved? AIESEC Creating life-changing internship opportunities for ‘EPs’ Generating skill development opportunities for members Generating opportunities to increase cultural understanding and to make a positive impact on society Plan Development Education activity: Activities that promote public knowledge and understanding of development issues and through improved awareness of our global interdependence encourage joint action to make the world a more equitable place
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Who’s involved? What happened in the past? This round? Who’s involved? Roots and Shoots (Jane Goodhall Institute) Provide environmental education and opportunities to help the environment
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? This round? What happened in the past? Round 1: Shanghai and Beijing. Totally 1,800 HS students, 10 trainees, 22,000 RMB, 6 High Schools. Not enough time with the same students. Some language problems SES =Shanghai Experimental School who had 130 students attend more 15 hours of SD and 10 hours of Culture over 2 weeks. The students also completed a mini-project designing their own presentations about the topic they felt most activated around.
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? This round? What happened in the past? Round 1 feedback: EPs need better preparation. Many EPs missed the training Better training, including on teaching methodologies Lack of interactivity in Schools, lack of buy-in by teachers in schools; lessons more on culture; many random topics suggested by schools Poor evaluation methodologies HS Students reported enjoying program and learning a lot EPs reported they learnt a lot about SD and China and had fun Communication was not very good; lack of PCs/internet!
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? This round? What happened in the past? Round 2: Beijing. Totally 1,000 students. 4 Trainees. 13,000 RMB. 3 High Schools Had more time with students, including some homework 80% are pleased but 40% not find it interesting enough (often too general)
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? This round? What happened in the past? Round 2 feedback: The more lessons, the better for students to understand issues Our way of designing class activities should be more diversified and meet student interests; English level largely affects learning results in both facilitators aspect and student capability aspect; International trainees’ positive characteristics and facilitation skills are crucial for the learning results and student feedbacks; International trainees’ SD understanding and language level are important factors too (some accents hard to understand);
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? Your involvement? What happened in the past? Round 3: BJ: 5 schools, SH: 3 schools, TJ: 2 schools, XN: 1 school Approximately 1,500-2,000 students have 5-10 classes +project Approximately 1,500+students have 1-3 classes 140,000 RMB including volunteering for Uni students & Prize trip Impact days coming up: 25th, 31st, 8th for evaluation (qualitative and quantitative) Cisco volunteers
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? Your involvement? What happened in the past? Round 3 feedback: Better expectation setting, interview & selection criteria Better communication, responsibilities LCs-Trainees Fixed schedules, advance warnings, feedback from schools Ongoing communication (google group) and team skills! Minimum standards from schools inc. homework Need to be busier
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? Your involvement? What happened in the past? Round 3 feedback: Make classes: More solution orientated… what is already happening to make things better. Look more at root causes. More emphasis on the World. Less statistics; more on issues, general etc. (otherwise some ppl think why foreigners teaching about china) Explain impact system better, and give more training on it
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? This round? Principles 1. Learn by doing 2. Create your own content, games etc 3. Use examples, practical etc (relate) This round? Training: Training: Designed to Help you understand about the program and how it will make a difference Help you learn about SD and China (we will cover a lot of topics. You will only teach a few) Help you ‘facilitate’ Give some content/activities/resources/links you can use in class Let you have fun Not designed to: Give you the presentations/class plans for you to use (though you can use the material you get in the training, and you can use previous rounds’ material) Make you listen and not be active Fall asleep –but it will be VERY intense!
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? This round? This round? Training: Training: More knowledge focused than the classes you will give Different types of activities, you can use any of the formats and adapt for other topics You are expected to do your own reading and create your own content and activities too Each of you is at a different level, so be patient, but learn from each other As you practice more, you will get better!
Expectation Setting
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? This round? This round? In Schools: Class-time Different topics Different forms of interactivity Out-of-class Log books Company volunteers
What happened in the past? What is the program? How does the program work? Why be involved? What happened in the past? This round? This round? Impact: M&E will be discussed later Learning Log Quantitative assessment -Feedback forms Qualitative assessment –activity based Culminates in Impact day with stakeholders attending and certificates Impact on yourselves?
Its up to you to decide what ‘impact’ you want… What are your objectives? What do you want to learn? What do you want to achieve?
Appendix: List of topics (flexible) Click here to return to How does the program make an impact Appendix: List of topics (flexible) Note: All topics should be related to Sustainable Development Poverty Education Health (inc. HIV/AIDs) Water and Sanitation Biodiversity Urbanisation, e.g. transport Global Warming Social Entrepreneurship Gender Demographics (age, location, population) Livelihoods (employment) and trade (globalization) Technology Energy and consumerism Resource use Conflict and natural disaster Law and corruption Institutions and Sectors (gov, business, civil society, media, legal) Individual (ACTION!)
Key success factors Adjust language Ensure interactive and focus on the values approach Keep it simple, but make them think Don’t forget to ‘relate’! Link to actions Measuring the impact Your time –not being bored, being prepared etc You working together and being constructive